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Pierre Alquier (Ed.)A systematic approach to finding variational approximation in an otherwise intractable non-conjugate model is to exploit the general principle of convex duality by minorizing the marginal likelihood that renders the problem tractable. While such approaches are popular in the context of variational inference in non-conjugate Bayesian models, theoretical guarantees on statistical optimality and algorithmic convergence are lacking. Focusing on logistic regression models, we provide mild conditions on the data generating process to derive non-asymptotic upper bounds to the risk incurred by the variational optima. We demonstrate that these assumptions can be completely relaxed if one considers a slight variation of the algorithm by raising the likelihood to a fractional power. Next, we utilize the theory of dynamical systems to provide convergence guarantees for such algorithms in logistic and multinomial logit regression. In particular, we establish local asymptotic stability of the algorithm without any assumptions on the data-generating process. We explore a special case involving a semi-orthogonal design under which a global convergence is obtained. The theory is further illustrated using several numerical studies.more » « less
null (Ed.)Transformation-based methods have been an attractive approach in non-parametric inference for problems such as unconditional and conditional density estimation due to their unique hierarchical structure that models the data as flexible transformation of a set of common latent variables. More recently, transformation-based models have been used in variational inference (VI) to construct flexible implicit families of variational distributions. However, their use in both nonparametric inference and variational inference lacks theoretical justification. We provide theoretical justification for the use of non-linear latent variable models (NL-LVMs) in non-parametric inference by showing that the support of the transformation induced prior in the space of densities is sufficiently large in the L1 sense. We also show that, when a Gaussian process (GP) prior is placed on the transformation function, the posterior concentrates at the optimal rate up to a logarithmic factor. Adopting the flexibility demonstrated in the non-parametric setting, we use the NL-LVM to construct an implicit family of variational distributions, deemed GP-IVI. We delineate sufficient conditions under which GP-IVI achieves optimal risk bounds and approximates the true posterior in the sense of the Kullback–Leibler divergence. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on providing theoretical guarantees for implicit variational inference.more » « less
null (Ed.)Variational algorithms have gained prominence over the past two decades as a scalable computational environment for Bayesian inference. In this article, we explore tools from the dynamical systems literature to study the convergence of coordinate ascent algorithms for mean field variational inference. Focusing on the Ising model defined on two nodes, we fully characterize the dynamics of the sequential coordinate ascent algorithm and its parallel version. We observe that in the regime where the objective function is convex, both the algorithms are stable and exhibit convergence to the unique fixed point. Our analyses reveal interesting discordances between these two versions of the algorithm in the region when the objective function is non-convex. In fact, the parallel version exhibits a periodic oscillatory behavior which is absent in the sequential version. Drawing intuition from the Markov chain Monte Carlo literature, we empirically show that a parameter expansion of the Ising model, popularly called the Edward–Sokal coupling, leads to an enlargement of the regime of convergence to the global optima.more » « less