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Award ID contains: 1919608

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  1. Two solutions for improving MEMS triboelectric vibration sensors performance in contact‐separation mode are reported experimentally and analytically. Triboelectric sensors have mostly been studied in the mesoscale. The gap variation between the electrodes induces a potential difference that represents the external vibration. Miniaturizing the device limits the sensor output because of the limited gap. This work offers a warped MEMS diaphragm constrained on its edges. The dome‐shaped structure provides one order of magnitude larger displacement after contact‐separation than standard designs resulting in one order of magnitude greater voltage and signal‐to‐noise‐ratio. Second, micro triboelectric sensors do not operate unless the external vibration is sufficiently forceful to initiate contact between layers. The proposed constraints on the edge of the diaphragm provide friction during periodic motion and generate charges. The combination of the warped diaphragm and boundary constraints instead of serpentine springs increases the charge density and voltage generation. The mechanical properties and electrical output are thoroughly investigated including nonlinearity, sensitivity, and signal‐to‐noise ratio. A sensitivity of 250 mV/g and signal‐to‐noise‐ratio of 32 dB is provided by the presented device at resonance, which is very promising for event‐driven motion sensors because it does not require signal conditioning and therefore simplifies the sensing circuitry. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025