Hybrid metamaterials (HMs) have attracted significant research interests owing to their unique optical properties and their ability to manipulate light‐matter interaction in a novel and controlled fashion beyond what any single material offers. Especially 3D HMs are of great interest due to their potential to provide advanced and precise control of such light‐matter interaction in nanoscale. In this study, a set of 3D HM nanocomposite films are designed by integrating three phases, i.e., vertically aligned CoFe2nanosheets within the matrix of TiN/TaN multilayers. By increasing the number of TiN/TaN multilayers from 2 to 19, a high degree of tunability in optical property has been demonstrated, including well‐tailored optical permittivity, and tunable hyperbolic dispersion from Type‐II to Type‐I. Ferromagnetic CoFe2nanosheets introduces novel magnetic responses, such as magnetic anisotropy and enhanced coercivity. Furthermore, in situ heating X‐ray diffraction (XRD) suggests good thermal stability of the 3D nanocomposite films up to the measured temperature of 600 °C. This three‐phase 3D nanocomposite design offers more flexibility in HM designs, multifunctionalities, and phase stability, compared with the typical two‐phase HMs toward future metamaterials by design.
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025 -
Abstract Mott insulator VO2exhibits an ultrafast and reversible semiconductor‐to‐metal transition (SMT) near 340 K (67 °C). In order to fulfill the multifunctional device applications, effective transition temperature (
Tc ) tuning as well as integrated functionality in VO2is desired. In this study, multifunctionalities including tailorable SMT characteristics, ferromagnetic (FM) integration, and magneto‐optical (MO) coupling, have been demonstrated via metal/VO2nanocomposite designs with controlled morphology, i.e., a two‐phase Ni/VO2pillar‐in‐matrix geometry and a three‐phase Au/Ni/VO2particle‐in‐matrix geometry. EvidentTc reduction of 20.4 to 54.9 K has been achieved by morphology engineering. Interestingly, the Au/Ni/VO2film achieves a record‐lowTc of 295.2 K (22.2 °C), slightly below room temperature (25 °C). The change in film morphology is also correlated with unique property tuning. Highly anisotropic magnetic and optical properties have been demonstrated in Ni/VO2film, whereas Au/Ni/VO2film exhibits isotropic properties because of the uniform distribution of Au/Ni nanoparticles. Furthermore, a strong MO coupling with enhanced magnetic coercivity and anisotropy is demonstrated for both films, indicating great potential for optically active property tuning. This demonstration opens exciting opportunities for the VO2‐based device implementation towards smart windows, next‐generation optical‐coupled switches, and spintronic devices. -
Abstract Prussian blue analogues (PBAs) cathodes can host diverse monovalent and multivalent metal ions due to their tunable structure. However, their electrochemical performance suffers from poor cycle life associated with chemo‐mechanical instabilities. This study investigates the driving forces behind chemo‐mechanical instabilities in Ni‐ and Mn‐based PBAs cathodes for K‐ion batteries by combining electrochemical analysis, digital image correlation, and spectroscopy techniques. Capacity retention in Ni‐based PBA is 96% whereas it is 91.5% for Mn‐based PBA after 100 cycles at C/5 rate. During charge, the potassium nickel hexacyanoferrate (KNHCF) electrode experiences a positive strain generation whereas the potassium manganese hexacyanoferrate (KMHCF) electrode undergoes initially positive strain generation followed by a reduction in strains at a higher state of charge. Overall, both cathodes undergo similar reversible electrochemical strains in each charge–discharge cycle. There is ~0.80% irreversible strain generation in both cathodes after 5 cycles. XPS studies indicated richer organic layer compounds in the cathode‐electrolyte interface (CEI) layer formed on KMHCF cathodes compared to the KNHCF ones. Faster capacity fades in Mn‐based PBA, compared to Ni‐based ones, is attributed to the formation of richer organic compounds in CEI layers, rather than mechanical deformations. Understanding the driving forces behind instabilities provides a guideline to develop material‐based strategies for better electrochemical performance.
Abstract Mixtures of Ce‐doped rare‐earth aluminum perovskites are drawing a significant amount of attention as potential scintillating devices. However, the synthesis of complex perovskite systems leads to many challenges. Designing the A‐site cations with an equiatomic ratio allows for the stabilization of a single‐crystal phase driven by an entropic regime. This work describes the synthesis of a highly epitaxial thin film of configurationally disordered rare‐earth aluminum perovskite oxide (La0.2Lu0.2Y0.2Gd0.2Ce0.2)AlO3and characterizes the structural and optical properties. The thin films exhibit three equivalent epitaxial domains having an orthorhombic structure resulting from monoclinic distortion of the perovskite cubic cell. An excitation of 286.5 nm from Gd3+and energy transfer to Ce3+with 405 nm emission are observed, which represents the potential for high‐energy conversion. These experimental results also offer the pathway to tunable optical properties of high‐entropy rare‐earth epitaxial perovskite films for a range of applications.
Abstract Magneto‐optical (MO) coupling incorporates photon‐induced change of magnetic polarization that can be adopted in ultrafast switching, optical isolators, mode convertors, and optical data storage components for advanced optical integrated circuits. However, integrating plasmonic, magnetic, and dielectric properties in one single material system poses challenges since one natural material can hardly possess all these functionalities. Here, co‐deposition of a three‐phase heterostructure composed of a durable conductive nitride matrix with embedded core–shell vertically aligned nanopillars, is demonstrated. The unique coupling between ferromagnetic NiO core and atomically sharp plasmonic Au shell enables strong MO activity out‐of‐plane at room temperature. Further, a template growth process is applied, which significantly enhances the ordering of the nanopillar array. The ordered nanostructure offers two schemes of spin polarization which result in stronger antisymmetry of Kerr rotation. The presented complex hybrid metamaterial platform with strong magnetic and optical anisotropies is promising for tunable and modulated all‐optical‐based nanodevices.
Abstract The integration of highly luminescent CsPbBr3quantum dots on nanowire waveguides has enormous potential applications in nanophotonics, optical sensing, and quantum communications. On the other hand, CsPb2Br5nanowires have also attracted a lot of attention due to their unique water stability and controversial luminescent property. Here, the growth of CsPbBr3nanocrystals on CsPb2Br5nanowires is reported first by simply immersing CsPbBr3powder into pure water, CsPbBr3−
γ Xγ (X = Cl, I) nanocrystals on CsPb2Br5−γ Xγ nanowires are then synthesized for tunable light sources. Systematic structure and morphology studies, including in situ monitoring, reveal that CsPbBr3powder is first converted to CsPb2Br5microplatelets in water, followed by morphological transformation from CsPb2Br5microplatelets to nanowires, which is a kinetic dissolution–recrystallization process controlled by electrolytic dissociation and supersaturation of CsPb2Br5. CsPbBr3nanocrystals are spontaneously formed on CsPb2Br5nanowires when nanowires are collected from the aqueous solution. Raman spectroscopy, combined photoluminescence, and SEM imaging confirm that the bright emission originates from CsPbBr3−γ Xγ nanocrystals while CsPb2Br5−γ Xγ nanowires are transparent waveguides. The intimate integration of nanoscale light sources with a nanowire waveguide is demonstrated through the observation of the wave guiding of light from nanocrystals and Fabry–Perot interference modes of the nanowire cavity. -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 21, 2025
The integration of nanocomposite thin films with combined multifunctionalities on flexible substrates is desired for flexible device design and applications. For example, combined plasmonic and magnetic properties could lead to unique optical switchable magnetic devices and sensors. In this work, a multiphase TiN-Au-Ni nanocomposite system with core–shell-like Au-Ni nanopillars embedded in a TiN matrix has been demonstrated on flexible mica substrates. The three-phase nanocomposite film has been compared with its single metal nanocomposite counterparts, i.e., TiN-Au and TiN-Ni. Magnetic measurement results suggest that both TiN-Au-Ni/mica and TiN-Ni/mica present room-temperature ferromagnetic property. Tunable plasmonic property has been achieved by varying the metallic component of the nanocomposite films. The cyclic bending test was performed to verify the property reliability of the flexible nanocomposite thin films upon bending. This work opens a new path for integrating complex nitride-based nanocomposite designs on mica towards multifunctional flexible nanodevice applications.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025 -
Magnetic and ferroelectric oxide thin films have long been studied for their applications in electronics, optics, and sensors. The properties of these oxide thin films are highly dependent on the film growth quality and conditions. To maximize the film quality, epitaxial oxide thin films are frequently grown on single‐crystal oxide substrates such as strontium titanate (SrTiO3) and lanthanum aluminate (LaAlO3) to satisfy lattice matching and minimize defect formation. However, these single‐crystal oxide substrates cannot readily be used in practical applications due to their high cost, limited availability, and small wafer sizes. One leading solution to this challenge is film transfer. In this demonstration, a material from a new class of multiferroic oxides is selected, namely bismuth‐based layered oxides, for the transfer. A water‐soluble sacrificial layer of Sr3Al2O6is inserted between the oxide substrate and the film, enabling the release of the film from the original substrate onto a polymer support layer. The films are transferred onto new substrates of silicon and lithium niobate (LiNbO3) and the polymer layer is removed. These substrates allow for the future design of electronic and optical devices as well as sensors using this new group of multiferroic layered oxide films.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 30, 2025