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Award ID contains: 2041459

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  1. In recent years, non-reciprocally coupled systems have received growing attention. Previous work has shown that the interplay of non-reciprocal coupling and Goldstone modes can drive the emergence of temporal order such as traveling waves. We show that these phenomena are generically found in a broad class of pattern-forming systems, including mass-conserving reaction--diffusion systems and viscoelastic active gels. All these systems share a characteristic dispersion relation that acquires a non-zero imaginary part at the edge of the band of unstable modes and exhibit a regime of propagating structures (traveling wave bands or droplets). We show that models for these systems can be mapped to a common ``normal form'' that can be seen as a spatially extended generalization of the FitzHugh--Nagumo model, providing a unifying dynamical-systems perspective. We show that the minimal non-reciprocal Cahn--Hilliard (NRCH) equations exhibit a surprisingly rich set of behaviors, including interrupted coarsening of traveling waves without selection of a preferred wavelength and transversal undulations of wave fronts in two dimensions. We show that the emergence of traveling waves and their speed are precisely predicted from the local dispersion relation at interfaces far away from the homogeneous steady state. The traveling waves are therefore a consequence of spatially localized coalescence of hydrodynamic modes arising from mass conservation and translational invariance of displacement fields. Our work thus generalizes previously studied non-reciprocal phase transitions and identifies generic mechanisms for the emergence of dynamical patterns of conserved fields.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  2. Using a multi-phase field model, we examine how cell stiffness affects motility induced phase separation (MIPS).

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  3. Using a mean field approach and simulations, we study the non-linear mechanical response of the vertex model (VM) of biological tissue to compression and dilation.

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  4. We use numerical simulations and linear stability analysis to study the emergent vortex lattices in the isotropic regime of an active liquid crystal. 
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  5. The vertex model of epithelia describes the apical surface of a tissue as a tiling of elastic polygonal cells. We show how non-affine deformations allow the tissue to have a softer mechanical response under strain, such as a vanishing shear modulus.

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  6. Orientational order, encoded in anisotropic fields, plays an important role during the development of an organism. A striking example of this is the freshwater polypHydra, where topological defects in the muscle fiber orientation have been shown to localize to key features of the body plan. This body plan is organized by morphogen concentration gradients, raising the question how muscle fiber orientation, morphogen gradients and body shape interact. Here, we introduce a minimal model that couples nematic orientational order to the gradient of a morphogen field. We show that on a planar surface, alignment to a radial concentration gradient can induce unbinding of topological defects, as observed during budding and tentacle formation inHydra, and stabilize aster/vortex-like defects, as observed at aHydra’s mouth. On curved surfaces mimicking the morphologies ofHydrain various stages of development—from spheroid to adult—our model reproduces the experimentally observed reorganization of orientational order. Our results suggest how gradient alignment and curvature effects may work together to control orientational order during development and lay the foundations for future modeling efforts that will include the tissue mechanics that drive shape deformations.

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  7. We study the dynamics of topological defects in active nematic films with spatially varying activity and consider two set-ups: (i) a constant activity gradient and (ii) a sharp jump in activity. A constant gradient of extensile (contractile) activity endows the comet-like +1/2 defect with a finite vorticity that drives the defect to align its nose in the direction of decreasing (increasing) gradient. A constant gradient does not, however, affect the known self-propulsion of the +1/2 defect and has no effect on the −1/2 that remains a non-motile particle. A sharp jump in activity acts like a wall that traps the defects, affecting the translational and rotational motion of both charges. The +1/2 defect slows down as it approaches the interface and the net vorticity tends to reorient the defect polarization so that it becomes perpendicular to the interface. The −1/2 defect acquires a self-propulsion towards the activity interface, while the vorticity-induced active torque tends to align the defect to a preferred orientation. This effective attraction of the negative defects to the wall is consistent with the observation of an accumulation of negative topological charge at both active/passive interfaces and physical boundaries.

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