In recommender systems, users rate items, and are subsequently served other product recommendations based on these ratings. Even though users usually rate a tiny percentage of the available items, the system tries to estimate unobserved preferences by finding similarities across users and across items. In this work, we treat the observed ratings data as partially observed, dense, weighted, bipartite networks. For a class of systems without outside information, we adapt an approach developed for dense, weighted networks to account for unobserved edges and the bipartite nature of the problem. The approach begins with clustering both users and items into communities, and locally estimates the patterns of ratings within each subnetwork induced by restricting attention to one community of users and one community of items community. The local fitting procedure relies on estimating local sociability parameters for every user and item, and selecting the function that determines the degree correction contours which best models the underlying data. We compare the performance of our proposed approach to existing methods on a simulated data set, as well as on a data set of joke ratings, examining model performance in both cases at differing levels of sparsity. On the joke ratings data set, our proposed model performs better than existing alternatives in relatively sparse settings, though other approaches achieve better results when more data is available. Collectively, the results indicate that despite struggling to pick up subtler signals, the proposed approach’s recovery of large scale, coarse patterns may still be useful in practical settings where high sparsity is typical.
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Abstract -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
Cherifi, H ; Rocha, L M ; Cherifi, C ; Donduran, M (Ed.)Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 20, 2025
Clustering is a fundamental tool for exploratory data analysis. One central problem in clustering is deciding if the clusters discovered by clustering methods are reliable as opposed to being artifacts of natural sampling variation. Statistical significance of clustering (SigClust) is a recently developed cluster evaluation tool for high-dimension, low-sample size data. Despite its successful application to many scientific problems, there are cases where the original SigClust may not work well. Furthermore, for specific applications, researchers may not have access to the original data and only have the dissimilarity matrix. In this case, clustering is still a valuable exploratory tool, but the original SigClust is not applicable. To address these issues, we propose a new SigClust method using multidimensional scaling (MDS). The underlying idea behind MDS-based SigClust is that one can achieve low-dimensional representations of the original data via MDS using only the dissimilarity matrix and then apply SigClust on the low-dimensional MDS space. The proposed MDS-based SigClust can circumvent the challenge of parameter estimation of the original method in high-dimensional spaces while keeping the essential clustering structure in the MDS space. Both simulations and real data applications demonstrate that the proposed method works remarkably well for assessing the statistical significance of clustering. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available January 2, 2025
Abstract We investigate the statistical learning of nodal attribute functionals in homophily networks using random walks. Attributes can be discrete or continuous. A generalization of various existing canonical models, based on preferential attachment is studied (model class $$\mathscr {P}$$ P ), where new nodes form connections dependent on both their attribute values and popularity as measured by degree. An associated model class $$\mathscr {U}$$ U is described, which is amenable to theoretical analysis and gives access to asymptotics of a host of functionals of interest. Settings where asymptotics for model class $$\mathscr {U}$$ U transfer over to model class $$\mathscr {P}$$ P through the phenomenon of resolvability are analyzed. For the statistical learning, we consider several canonical attribute agnostic sampling schemes such as Metropolis-Hasting random walk, versions of node2vec (Grover and Leskovec, 2016) that incorporate both classical random walk and non-backtracking propensities and propose new variants which use attribute information in addition to topological information to explore the network. Estimators for learning the attribute distribution, degree distribution for an attribute type and homophily measures are proposed. The performance of such statistical learning framework is studied on both synthetic networks (model class $$\mathscr {P}$$ P ) and real world systems, and its dependence on the network topology, degree of homophily or absence thereof, (un)balanced attributes, is assessed.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
Abstract Causal structure learning (CSL) refers to the estimation of causal graphs from data. Causal versions of tools such as ROC curves play a prominent role in empirical assessment of CSL methods and performance is often compared with “random” baselines (such as the diagonal in an ROC analysis). However, such baselines do not take account of constraints arising from the graph context and hence may represent a “low bar”. In this paper, motivated by examples in systems biology, we focus on assessment of CSL methods for multivariate data where part of the graph structure is known via interventional experiments. For this setting, we put forward a new class of baselines called graph-based predictors (GBPs). In contrast to the “random” baseline, GBPs leverage the known graph structure, exploiting simple graph properties to provide improved baselines against which to compare CSL methods. We discuss GBPs in general and provide a detailed study in the context of transitively closed graphs, introducing two conceptually simple baselines for this setting, the observed in-degree predictor (OIP) and the transitivity assuming predictor (TAP). While the former is straightforward to compute, for the latter we propose several simulation strategies. Moreover, we study and compare the proposed predictors theoretically, including a result showing that the OIP outperforms in expectation the “random” baseline on a subclass of latent network models featuring positive correlation among edge probabilities. Using both simulated and real biological data, we show that the proposed GBPs outperform random baselines in practice, often substantially. Some GBPs even outperform standard CSL methods (whilst being computationally cheap in practice). Our results provide a new way to assess CSL methods for interventional data.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2024
Cherifi, H. ; Mantegna, R.N. ; Rocha, L.M. ; Cherifi, C. ; Micciche, S. (Ed.)We investigate the statistical learning of nodal attribute distributions in homophily networks using random walks. Attributes can be discrete or continuous. A generalization of various existing canonical models, based on preferential attachment is studied, where new nodes form connections dependent on both their attribute values and popularity as measured by degree. We consider several canonical attribute agnostic sampling schemes such as Metropolis-Hasting random walk, versions of node2vec (Grover and Leskovec 2016) that incorporate both classical random walk and non-backtracking propensities and propose new variants which use attribute information in addition to topological information to explore the network. The performance of such algorithms is studied on both synthetic networks and real world systems, and its dependence on the degree of homophily, or absence thereof, is assessed.more » « less