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Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea ; Keeton, Kimberly (Ed.)Just-in-time (JIT) compilers make JavaScript run efficiently by replacing slow JavaScript interpreter code with fast machine code. However, this efficiency comes at a cost: bugs in JIT compilers can completely subvert all language-based (memory) safety guarantees, and thereby introduce catastrophic exploitable vulnerabilities. We present Icarus: a new framework for implementing JIT compilers that are automatically, formally verified to be safe, and which can then be converted to C++ that can be linked into browser runtimes. Crucially, we show how to build a JIT with Icarus such that verifying the JIT implementation statically ensures the security of all possible programs that the JIT could ever generate at run-time, via a novel technique called symbolic meta-execution that encodes the behaviors of all possible JIT-generated programs as a single Boogie meta-program which can be efficiently verified by SMT solvers. We evaluate Icarus by using it to re-implement components of Firefox's JavaScript JIT. We show that Icarus can scale up to expressing complex JITs, quickly detects real-world JIT bugs and verifies fixed versions, and yields C++ code that is as fast as hand-written code.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available November 4, 2025
We introduce Flux, which shows how logical refinements can work hand in glove with Rust's ownership mechanisms to yield ergonomic type-based verification of low-level pointer manipulating programs. First, we design a novel refined type system for Rust that indexes mutable locations, with pure (immutable) values that can appear in refinements, and then exploits Rust's ownership mechanisms to abstract sub-structural reasoning about locations within Rust's polymorphic type constructors, while supporting strong updates. We formalize the crucial dependency upon Rust's strong aliasing guarantees by exploiting the Stacked Borrows aliasing model to prove that "well-borrowed evaluations of well-typed programs do not get stuck". Second, we implement our type system in Flux, a plug-in to the Rust compiler that exploits the factoring of complex invariants into types and refinements to efficiently synthesize loop annotations-including complex quantified invariants describing the contents of containers-via liquid inference. Third, we evaluate Flux with a benchmark suite of vector manipulating programs and parts of a previously verified secure sandboxing library to demonstrate the advantages of refinement types over program logics as implemented in the state-of-the-art Prusti verifier. While Prusti's more expressive program logic can, in general, verify deep functional correctness specifications, for the lightweight but ubiquitous and important verification use-cases covered by our benchmarks, liquid typing makes verification ergonomic by slashing specification lines by a factor of two, verification time by an order of magnitude, and annotation overhead from up to 24% of code size (average 14%), to nothing at all.more » « less
We introduce Hardware-assisted Fault Isolation (HFI), a simple extension to existing processors to support secure, flexible, and efficient in-process isolation. HFI addresses the limitations of existing software-based isolation (SFI) systems including: runtime overheads, limited scalability, vulnerability to Spectre attacks, and limited compatibility with existing code. HFI can seamlessly integrate with current SFI systems (e.g., WebAssembly), or directly sandbox unmodi!ed native binaries. To ease adoption, HFI relies only on incremental changes to the data and control path of existing high-performance processors. We evaluate HFI for x86-64 using the gem5 simulator and compiler-based emulation on a mix of real and synthetic workloads.more » « less
Holz, Thorsten ; Ristenpart, Thomas (Ed.)Spectre vulnerabilities violate our fundamental assumptions about architectural abstractions, allowing attackers to steal sensitive data despite previously state-of-the-art countermeasures. To defend against Spectre, developers of verification tools and compiler-based mitigations are forced to reason about microarchitectural details such as speculative execution. In order to aid developers with these attacks in a principled way, the research community has sought formal foundations for speculative execution upon which to rebuild provable security guarantees.This paper systematizes the community’s current knowledge about software verification and mitigation for Spectre. We study state-of-the-art software defenses, both with and without associated formal models, and use a cohesive framework to compare the security properties each defense provides. We explore a wide variety of tradeoffs in the expressiveness of formal frameworks, the complexity of defense tools, and the resulting security guarantees. As a result of our analysis, we suggest practical choices for developers of analysis and mitigation tools, and we identify several open problems in this area to guide future work on grounded software defenses.more » « less
Software sandboxing or software-based fault isolation (SFI) is a lightweight approach to building secure systems out of untrusted components. Mozilla, for example, uses SFI to harden the Firefox browser by sandboxing third-party libraries, and companies like Fastly and Cloudflare use SFI to safely co-locate untrusted tenants on their edge clouds. While there have been significant efforts to optimize and verify SFI enforcement, context switching in SFI systems remains largely unexplored: almost all SFI systems use heavyweight transitions that are not only error-prone but incur significant performance overhead from saving, clearing, and restoring registers when context switching. We identify a set of zero-cost conditions that characterize when sandboxed code has sufficient structured to guarantee security via lightweight zero-cost transitions (simple function calls). We modify the Lucet Wasm compiler and its runtime to use zero-cost transitions, eliminating the undue performance tax on systems that rely on Lucet for sandboxing (e.g., we speed up image and font rendering in Firefox by up to 29.7% and 10% respectively). To remove the Lucet compiler and its correct implementation of the Wasm specification from the trusted computing base, we (1) develop a static binary verifier , VeriZero, which (in seconds) checks that binaries produced by Lucet satisfy our zero-cost conditions, and (2) prove the soundness of VeriZero by developing a logical relation that captures when a compiled Wasm function is semantically well-behaved with respect to our zero-cost conditions. Finally, we show that our model is useful beyond Wasm by describing a new, purpose-built SFI system, SegmentZero32, that uses x86 segmentation and LLVM with mostly off-the-shelf passes to enforce our zero-cost conditions; our prototype performs on-par with the state-of-the-art Native Client SFI system.more » « less