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Award ID contains: 2122689

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  1. Software engineering practices such as constructing requirements and establishing traceability help ensure systems are safe, reliable, and maintainable. However, they can be resource-intensive and are frequently underutilized. To alleviate the burden of these essential processes, we developed the Requirements Organization and Optimization Tool (ROOT). ROOT centralizes project information and offers project visualizations and AI-based tools designed to streamline engineering processes. With ROOT's assistance, engineers benefit from improved oversight and early error detection, leading to the successful development of software systems. A link to a screen cast can be found at: 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 6, 2025
  2. IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference (Ed.)
    Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to revolutionize automated traceability by overcoming the challenges faced by previous methods and introducing new possibilities. However, the optimal utilization of LLMs for automated traceability remains unclear. This paper explores the process of prompt engineering to extract link predictions from an LLM. We provide detailed insights into our approach for constructing effective prompts, offering our lessons learned. Additionally, we propose multiple strategies for leveraging LLMs to generate traceability links, improving upon previous zero-shot methods on the ranking of candidate links after prompt refinement. The primary objective of this paper is to inspire and assist future researchers and engineers by highlighting the process of constructing traceability prompts to effectively harness LLMs for advancing automatic traceability. 
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  3. Many organizations seek to increase their agility in order to deliver more timely and competitive products. However, in safety-critical systems such as medical devices, autonomous vehicles, or factory floor robots, the release of new features has the potential to introduce hazards that potentially lead to run-time failures that impact software safety. As a result, many projects suffer from a phenomenon referred to as the big freeze. SAFA is designed to address this challenge. Through the use of cutting-edge deep-learning solutions, it generates trees of requirements, designs, code, tests, and other artifacts that visually depict how hazards are mitigated in the system, and it automatically warns the user when key artifacts are missing. It also uses a combination of colors, annotations, and recommendations to dynamically visualize change across software versions and augments safety cases with visual annotations to aid users in detecting and analyzing potentially adverse impacts of change upon system safety. A link to our tool demo can be found at 
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