We study the convergence of several natural policy gradient (NPG) methods in infinite-horizon discounted Markov decision processes with regular policy parametrizations. For a variety of NPGs and reward functions we show that the trajectories in state-action space are solutions of gradient flows with respect to Hessian geometries, based on which we obtain global convergence guarantees and convergence rates. In particular, we show linear convergence for unregularized and regularized NPG flows with the metrics proposed by Kakade and Morimura and co-authors by observing that these arise from the Hessian geometries of conditional entropy and entropy respectively. Further, we obtain sublinear convergence rates for Hessian geometries arising from other convex functions like log-barriers. Finally, we interpret the discrete-time NPG methods with regularized rewards as inexact Newton methods if the NPG is defined with respect to the Hessian geometry of the regularizer. This yields local quadratic convergence rates of these methods for step size equal to the inverse penalization strength.
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Abstract -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 30, 2025
We study the loss landscape of both shallow and deep, mildly overparameterized ReLU neural networks on a generic finite input dataset for the squared error loss. We show both by count and volume that most activation patterns correspond to parameter regions with no bad local minima. Furthermore, for one-dimensional input data, we show most activation regions realizable by the network contain a high dimensional set of global minima and no bad local minima. We experimentally confirm these results by finding a phase transition from most regions having full rank Jacobian to many regions having deficient rank depending on the amount of overparameterization.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available June 4, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
Persistent homology (PH) is a method for generating topology-inspired representations of data. Empirical studies that investigate the properties of PH, such as its sensitivity to perturbations or ability to detect a feature of interest, commonly rely on training and testing an additional model on the basis of the PH representation. To gain more intrinsic insights about PH, independently of the choice of such a model, we propose a novel methodology based on the pull-back geometry that a PH encoding induces on the data manifold. The spectrum and eigenvectors of the induced metric help to identify the most and least significant information captured by PH. Furthermore, the pull-back norm of tangent vectors provides insights about the sensitivity of PH to a given perturbation, or its potential to detect a given feature of interest, and in turn its ability to solve a given classification or regression problem. Experimentally, the insights gained through our methodology align well with the existing knowledge about PH. Moreover, we show that the pull-back norm correlates with the performance on downstream tasks, and can therefore guide the choice of a suitable PH encoding.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025
We study the gradients of a maxout network with respect to inputs and parameters and obtain bounds for the moments depending on the architecture and the parameter distribution. We observe that the distribution of the input-output Jacobian depends on the input, which complicates a stable parameter initialization. Based on the moments of the gradients, we formulate parameter initialization strategies that avoid vanishing and exploding gradients in wide networks. Experiments with deep fully-connected and convolutional networks show that this strategy improves SGD and Adam training of deep maxout networks. In addition, we obtain refined bounds on the expected number of linear regions, results on the expected curve length distortion, and results on the NTK.more » « less
We consider a deep matrix factorization model of covariance matrices trained with the Bures-Wasserstein distance. While recent works have made advances in the study of the optimization problem for overparametrized low-rank matrix approximation, much emphasis has been placed on discriminative settings and the square loss. In contrast, our model considers another type of loss and connects with the generative setting. We characterize the critical points and minimizers of the Bures-Wasserstein distance over the space of rank- bounded matrices. The Hessian of this loss at low-rank matrices can theoretically blow up, which creates challenges to analyze convergence of gradient optimization methods. We establish convergence results for gradient flow using a smooth perturbative version of the loss as well as convergence results for finite step size gradient descent under certain assumptions on the initial weights.more » « less
Krause, Andreas ; Brunskill, Emma ; Cho, Kyunghyun ; Engelhardt, Barbara ; Sabato, Sivan ; Scarlett, Jonathan (Ed.)We consider a deep matrix factorization model of covariance matrices trained with the Bures-Wasserstein distance. While recent works have made advances in the study of the optimization problem for overparametrized low-rank matrix approximation, much emphasis has been placed on discriminative settings and the square loss. In contrast, our model considers another type of loss and connects with the generative setting. We characterize the critical points and minimizers of the Bures-Wasserstein distance over the space of rank-bounded matrices. The Hessian of this loss at low-rank matrices can theoretically blow up, which creates challenges to analyze convergence of gradient optimization methods. We establish convergence results for gradient flow using a smooth perturbative version of the loss as well as convergence results for finite step size gradient descent under certain assumptions on the initial weights.more » « less
We investigate gradient descent training of wide neural networks and the corresponding implicit bias in function space. For univariate regression, we show that the solution of training a width-n shallow ReLU network is within n−1/2 of the function which fits the training data and whose difference from the initial function has the smallest 2-norm of the second derivative weighted by a curvature penalty that depends on the probability distribution that is used to initialize the network parameters. We compute the curvature penalty function explicitly for various common initialization procedures. For instance, asymmetric initialization with a uniform distribution yields a constant curvature penalty, and thence the solution function is the natural cubic spline interpolation of the training data. For stochastic gradient descent we obtain the same implicit bias result. We obtain a similar result for different activation functions. For multivariate regression we show an analogous result, whereby the second derivative is replaced by the Radon transform of a fractional Laplacian. For initialization schemes that yield a constant penalty function, the solutions are polyharmonic splines. Moreover, we show that the training trajectories are captured by trajectories of smoothing splines with decreasing regularization strength.more » « less
We investigate gradient descent training of wide neural networks and the corresponding implicit bias in function space. For univariate regression, we show that the solution of training a width-n shallow ReLU network is within n1/2 of the function which fits the training data and whose difference from the initial function has the smallest 2-norm of the second derivative weighted by a curvature penalty that depends on the probability distribution that is used to initialize the network parameters. We compute the curvature penalty function explicitly for various common initialization procedures. For instance, asymmetric initialization with a uniform distribution yields a constant curvature penalty, and thence the solution function is the natural cubic spline interpolation of the training data. For stochastic gradient descent we obtain the same implicit bias result. We obtain a similar result for different activation functions. For multivariate regression we show an analogous result, whereby the second derivative is replaced by the Radon transform of a fractional Laplacian. For initialization schemes that yield a constant penalty function, the solutions are polyharmonic splines. Moreover, we show that the training trajectories are captured by trajectories of smoothing splines with decreasing regularization strength.more » « less