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Award ID contains: 2231097

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  1. Abstract

    Solitons, the distinct balance between nonlinearity and dispersion, provide a route toward ultrafast electromagnetic pulse shaping, high-harmonic generation, real-time image processing, and RF photonic communications. Here we uniquely explore and observe the spatio-temporal breather dynamics of optical soliton crystals in frequency microcombs, examining spatial breathers, chaos transitions, and dynamical deterministic switching – in nonlinear measurements and theory. To understand the breather solitons, we describe their dynamical routes and two example transitional maps of the ensemble spatial breathers, with and without chaos initiation. We elucidate the physical mechanisms of the breather dynamics in the soliton crystal microcombs, in the interaction plane limit cycles and in the domain-wall understanding with parity symmetry breaking from third-order dispersion. We present maps of the accessible nonlinear regions, the breather frequency dependences on third-order dispersion and avoided-mode crossing strengths, and the transition between the collective breather spatio-temporal states. Our range of measurements matches well with our first-principles theory and nonlinear modeling. To image these soliton ensembles and their breathers, we further constructed panoramic temporal imaging for simultaneous fast- and slow-axis two-dimensional mapping of the breathers. In the phase-differential sampling, we present two-dimensional evolution maps of soliton crystal breathers, including with defects, in both stable breathers and breathers with drift. Our fundamental studies contribute to the understanding of nonlinear dynamics in soliton crystal complexes, their spatio-temporal dependences, and their stability-existence zones.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 12, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 28, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 25, 2025
  5. Over the past decade, machine learning model complexity has grown at an extraordinary rate, as has the scale of the systems training such large models. However there is an alarmingly low hardware utilization (5-20%) in large scale AI systems. The low system utilization is a cumulative effect of minor losses across different layers of the stack, exacerbated by the disconnect between engineers designing different layers spanning across different industries. To address this challenge, in this work we designed a cross-stack performance modelling and design space exploration framework. First, we introduce CrossFlow, a novel framework that enables cross-layer analysis all the way from the technology layer to the algorithmic layer. Next, we introduce DeepFlow (built on top of CrossFlow using machine learning techniques) to automate the design space exploration and co-optimization across different layers of the stack. We have validated CrossFlow’s accuracy with distributed training on real commercial hardware and showcase several DeepFlow case studies demonstrating pitfalls of not optimizing across the technology-hardware-software stack for what is likely, the most important workload driving large development investments in all aspects of computing stack.

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