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Award ID contains: 2318093

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  1. Ellermeier, Craig D (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT <p>Twitching motility is a form of bacterial surface translocation powered by the type IV pilus (T4P). It is frequently analyzed by interstitial colony expansion between agar and the polystyrene surfaces of petri dishes. In such assays, the twitching motility of<italic>Acinetobacter nosocomialis</italic>was observed with MacConkey but not Luria-Bertani (LB) agar media. One difference between these two media is the presence of bile salts as a selective agent in MacConkey but not in LB. Here, we demonstrate that the addition of bile salts to LB allowed<italic>A. nosocomialis</italic>to display twitching. Similarly, bile salts enhanced the twitching of<italic>Acinetobacter baumannii</italic>and<italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic>in LB. These observations suggest that there is a common mechanism, whereby bile salts enhance bacterial twitching and promote interstitial colony expansion. Bile salts disrupt lipid membranes and apply envelope stress as detergents. Surprisingly, their stimulatory effect on twitching appears not to be related to a bacterial physiological response to stressors. Rather, it is due to their ability to alter the physicochemical properties of a twitching surface. We observed that while other detergents promoted twitching like bile salts, stresses applied by antibiotics, including the outer membrane-targeting polymyxin B, did not enhance twitching motility. More importantly, bacteria displayed increased twitching on hydrophilic surfaces such as those of glass and tissue culture-treated polystyrene plastics, and bile salts no longer stimulated twitching on these surfaces. Together, our results show that altering the hydrophilicity of a twitching surface significantly impacts T4P functionality.</p></sec> <sec><title>IMPORTANCE

    The bacterial type IV pilus (T4P) is a critical virulence factor for many medically important pathogens, some of which are prioritized by the World Health Organization for their high levels of antibiotic resistance. The T4P is known to propel bacterial twitching motility, the analysis of which provides a convenient assay for T4P functionality. Here, we show that bile salts and other detergents augment the twitching of multiple bacterial pathogens. We identified the underlying mechanism as the alteration of surface hydrophilicity by detergents. Consequently, hydrophilic surfaces like those of glass or plasma-treated polystyrene promote bacterial twitching, bypassing the requirement for detergents. The implication is that surface properties, such as those of tissues and medical implants, significantly impact the functionality of bacterial T4P as a virulence determinant. This offers valuable insights for developing countermeasures against the colonization and infection by bacterial pathogens of critical importance to human health on a global scale.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 25, 2025
  2. Antivirulence strategy has been explored as an alternative to traditional antibiotic development. The bacterial type IV pilus is a virulence factor involved in host invasion and colonization in many antibiotic resistant pathogens. The PilB ATPase hydrolyzes ATP to drive the assembly of the pilus filament from pilin subunits. We evaluated Chloracidobacterium thermophilum PilB (CtPilB) as a model for structure-based virtual screening by molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A hexameric structure of CtPilB was generated through homology modeling based on an existing crystal structure of a PilB from Geobacter metallireducens. Four representative structures were obtained from molecular dynamics simulations to examine the conformational plasticity of PilB and improve docking analyses by ensemble docking. Structural analyses after 1 μs of simulation revealed conformational changes in individual PilB subunits are dependent on ligand presence. Further, ensemble virtual screening of a library of 4234 compounds retrieved from the ZINC15 database identified five promising PilB inhibitors. Molecular docking and binding analyses using the four representative structures from MD simulations revealed that top-ranked compounds interact with multiple Walker A residues, one Asp-box residue, and one arginine finger, indicating these are key residues in inhibitor binding within the ATP binding pocket. The use of multiple conformations in molecular screening can provide greater insight into compound flexibility within receptor sites and better inform future drug development for therapeutics targeting the type IV pilus assembly ATPase. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025
  3. DNA polymerization gels are a new class of soft programmable materials capable of reversible 100-fold volumetric size changes induced by DNA-specific strand displacement reactions. By incorporating DNA circuits and spatial patterns, these gels could orchestrate complex, self-regulating processes of relevance to biosensing, robotics, and medicine. However, the ultrasoft nature of the gels and slow response times can limit applicability. We developed GO-DNA composite polymerization gels (CPGs) by blending DNA gels with graphene oxide (GO). Photopatterned ultra-thin GO-DNA CPG films, as thin as 8 μm, were achieved. Notably, GO-DNA CPGs exhibited similar rates of swelling but 60 times faster shrinking, suggesting that the introduction of inorganic nanoparticles could provide a means to tune the mechanical properties and swelling characteristics of DNA polymerization gels. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 29, 2025