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  1. Herron, J. & (Ed.)
    This paper is part of a larger project seeking to create a sustainable infrastructure for engineering students to become STEM teachers in high-need schools. Induction programs are a key component for new teacher retention. A review of the literature and a systematic review of district partners' induction programs provide content for determining what components are needed for a supplemental induction program. One district focuses more on the expectations of mentors, and the other focuses more on new teacher expectations. The initial findings suggest including financial support for both mentors and mentees, providing university engineering faculty mentors, and opportunities for STEM mentees to collaborate. 
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  2. Herron, J. (Ed.)
    Teacher noticing is a crucial facet of math and science teacher education, with one goal being to shift preservice teachers’ (PSTs) noticing from teacher-centered to student-centered. In this study, we used 360 videos to examine PSTs’ choices of where to look in a classroom. We discuss differences in attending behavior of those PSTs who focused on the specific themes of teachers’ scaffolding and student engagement. 
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