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Editors contains: "Ng, Ching Tai"

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  1. Limongelli, Maria Pina ; Ng, Ching Tai ; Glisic, Branko (Ed.)
    Civil engineering structures are routinely exposed to corrosive environments, posing threats to their structural integrity. Traditional corrosion control methods often involve employing physical barriers, such as various coatings, to isolate the steel substrate from surrounding electrolytes. Among these methods, thermal spraying of alloy coatings has emerged as a prominent technique in safeguarding steel matrices against corrosion, particularly in industrial and marine settings. However, the inherent porosity of thermal spraying coatings compromises their corrosion resistance. Incorporating a polymer top layer offers a promising solution by sealing pores and augmenting overall performance. This study investigates corrosion on duplex-coated steel utilizing distributed fiber optic sensors based on optical frequency domain reflectometry. Experimental analyses involve embedding serpentine-arranged distributed fiber optic strain sensors within both thermal spraying layers and epoxy layers. Results demonstrate the efficiency of distributed sensors in identifying corrosion propagation paths by measuring the induced strain changes. Furthermore, the duplex coating exhibits significant enhancements in corrosion resistance for steel structures. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 9, 2025
  2. Limongelli, Maria Pina ; Ng, Ching Tai ; Glisic, Branko (Ed.)
    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 9, 2025