Light is critical in the ability of plants to accumulate chlorophyll. When exposed to far‐red (
We examined
Among six
Regulation of
Sigma factor (
Light is critical in the ability of plants to accumulate chlorophyll. When exposed to far‐red (
We examined
Among six
Regulation of
Light initiates chloroplast biogenesis in
Light initiates chloroplast biogenesis by activating photosynthesis-associated genes encoded by not only the nuclear but also the plastidial genome, but how photoreceptors control plastidial gene expression remains enigmatic. Here we show that the photoactivation of phytochromes triggers the expression of photosynthesis-associated plastid-encoded genes (
Phytochromes initiate chloroplast biogenesis by activating genes encoding the photosynthetic apparatus, including photosynthesis-associated plastid-encoded genes (
The altered carbon assimilation pathway of crassulacean acid metabolism (