We study the fundamental problems of identity testing (goodness of fit), and closeness testing (two sample test) of distributions over k elements, under differential privacy. While the problems have a long history in statistics, finite sample bounds for these problems have only been established recently.
In this work, we derive upper and lower bounds on the sample complexity of both the problems under (epsilon, delta)-differential privacy. We provide sample optimal algorithms for identity testing problem for all parameter ranges, and the first results for closeness testing. Our closeness testing bounds are optimal in the sparse regime where the number of samples is at most k.
Our upper bounds are obtained by privatizing non-private estimators for these problems. The non-private estimators are chosen to have small sensitivity. We propose a general framework to establish lower bounds on the sample complexity of statistical tasks under differential privacy. We show a bound on di erentially private algorithms in terms of a coupling between the two hypothesis classes we aim to test. By carefully constructing chosen priors over the hypothesis classes, and using Le Cam’s two point theorem we provide a general mechanism for proving lower bounds. We believe that the framework can be used to obtain strong lower bounds for other statistical tasks under privacy.
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Testing Shape Restrictions of Discrete Distributions
We study the question of testing structured properties (classes) of discrete distributions. Specifically, given sample access to an arbitrary distribution D over [n] and a property P, the goal is to distinguish between D ∈ P and ℓ1(D, P) > ε. We develop a general algorithm for this question, which applies to a large range of “shape-constrained” properties, including monotone, log-concave, t-modal, piecewise-polynomial, and Poisson Binomial distributions. Moreover, for all cases considered, our algorithm has near-optimal sample complexity with regard to the domain size and is computationally efficient. For most of these classes, we provide the first non-trivial tester in the literature. In addition, we also describe a generic method to prove lower bounds for this problem, and use it to show our upper bounds are nearly tight. Finally, we extend some of our techniques to tolerant testing, deriving nearly–tight upper and lower bounds for the corresponding questions.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1650733
- 10078631
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Theory of computing systems
- Volume:
- 62
- Issue:
- 1
- 1433-0490
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 4-62
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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