Many consumers depend on the contemporaneous growth of their food resources. For example,
- Award ID(s):
- 1757316
- 10082634
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology
- Volume:
- 84
- Issue:
- 7
- 0099-2240
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Tanytarsus gracilentus midges feed on algae, and because midge generation time is much longer than that of algae, individual midges benefit not just from the standing stock but also from the growth of algae during their lifespans. This implies that an intermediate consumption rate maximizes midge somatic growth: low consumption rates constrain midge growth because they do not fully utilize the available food, whereas high consumption rates suppress algal biomass growth and consequently limit future food availability. An experiment manipulating midge presence and initial algal abundance showed that midges can suppress algal growth, as measured by changes in algal gross primary production (GPP). We also found a positive relationship between GPP and midge growth. A consumer–resource model fit to the experimental data showed a hump‐shaped relationship between midge consumption rates and their somatic growth. In the model, predicted midge somatic growth rates were only positively associated with GPP when their consumption rate was below the value that optimized midge growth. Therefore, midges did not overexploit algae in the experiment. This work highlights the balance that consumers which depend on contemporaneous resource growth might have to strike between short‐term growth and future food availability, and the benefits for consumers when they ‘manage' their resources well. -
Summary Dimethylsulfide (DMS), a dominant organic sulfur species in the surface ocean, may act as a signalling molecule and contribute to mutualistic interactions between bacteria and marine algae. These proposed functions depend on the DMS concentration in the vicinity of microorganisms. Here, we modelled the DMS enrichment at the surface of DMS‐releasing marine algal cells as a function of DMS production rate, algal cell radius and turbulence. Our results show that the DMS concentration at the surface of unstressed phytoplankton with low DMS production rates can be enriched by <1 nM, whereas for mechanically stressed algae with high activities of the enzyme DMSP‐lyase (a coccolithophore and a dinoflagellate) DMS cell surface enrichments can reach ~10 nM, and could potentially reach μM levels in large cells. These DMS enrichments are much higher than the median DMS concentration in the surface ocean (1.9 nM), and thus may attract and support the growth of bacteria living in the phycosphere. The bacteria in turn may provide photoactive iron chelators (siderophores) that enhance algal iron uptake and provide algal growth factors such as auxins and vitamins. The present study highlights new insights on the extent and impact of microscale DMS enrichments at algal surfaces, thereby contributing to our understanding of the potential chemoattractant and mutualistic roles of DMS in marine microorganisms.
Light and temperature mediate algal stimulation of heterotrophic activity on decomposing leaf litter
Abstract Recent evidence suggests that periphytic algae stimulate plant litter heterotrophs (fungi and bacteria) in the presence of light, but few studies have tested whether this stimulation varies across gradients of light, which may covary with temperature.
We exposed field‐conditioned
Typha domingensis litter to fully‐crossed, short‐term gradients of temperature (15, 20, 25, and 30°C) and light (0, 25, 53, 123, and 388 µmol quanta m−2 s−1) and measured responses of litter‐associated algal, fungal, and bacterial production rates and β‐glucosidase, β‐xylosidase, and phenol oxidase enzyme activities in the laboratory.Increased light stimulated algal production rates, from immeasurable production under darkness to >200 µg algal C g−1detrital C hr−1at the highest light level, with the greatest light sensitivity and maximal photosynthetic rates at 25°C. In turn, increased light stimulated fungal production rates, especially at the two highest temperatures and most strongly at 25°C where light stimulated fungal production by a mean of 65 µg C g−1detrital C hr−1, indicating 2.1‐fold stimulation by light. Bacterial production rates also responded to light, indicated by stimulation of a mean of 16 µg C g−1detrital C hr−1(1.6‐fold) at 15°C, but stimulation was weaker at higher temperatures. Enzyme activities increased strongly with elevated temperature but were not affected by light.
Our experimental evidence suggests algae differentially stimulate litter‐associated bacteria and fungi in a light‐dependent manner that further depends on temperature. These findings advance understanding of the onset of algal stimulation of heterotrophy, including algal‐induced priming effects during litter decomposition, in response to common covarying environmental gradients subject to global change.
Emiliania huxleyi is a bloom-forming microalga that affects the global sulfur cycle by producing large amounts of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and its volatile metabolic product dimethyl sulfide. Top-down regulation of E. huxleyi blooms has been attributed to viruses and grazers; however, the possible involvement of algicidal bacteria in bloom demise has remained elusive. We demonstrate that a Roseobacter strain, Sulfitobacter D7, that we isolated from a North Atlantic E. huxleyi bloom, exhibited algicidal effects against E. huxleyi upon coculturing. Both the alga and the bacterium were found to co-occur during a natural E. huxleyi bloom, therefore establishing this host-pathogen system as an attractive, ecologically relevant model for studying algal-bacterial interactions in the oceans. During interaction, Sulfitobacter D7 consumed and metabolized algal DMSP to produce high amounts of methanethiol, an alternative product of DMSP catabolism. We revealed a unique strain-specific response, in which E. huxleyi strains that exuded higher amounts of DMSP were more susceptible to Sulfitobacter D7 infection. Intriguingly, exogenous application of DMSP enhanced bacterial virulence and induced susceptibility in an algal strain typically resistant to the bacterial pathogen. This enhanced virulence was highly specific to DMSP compared to addition of propionate and glycerol which had no effect on bacterial virulence. We propose a novel function for DMSP, in addition to its central role in mutualistic interactions among marine organisms, as a mediator of bacterial virulence that may regulate E. huxleyi blooms.more » « less
Abstract Harmful algal and bacterial blooms linked to deforestation, soil loss and global warming are increasingly frequent in lakes and rivers. We demonstrate that climate changes and deforestation can drive recurrent microbial blooms, inhibiting the recovery of freshwater ecosystems for hundreds of millennia. From the stratigraphic successions of the Sydney Basin, Australia, our fossil, sedimentary and geochemical data reveal bloom events following forest ecosystem collapse during the most severe mass extinction in Earth’s history, the end-Permian event (EPE; c. 252.2 Ma). Microbial communities proliferated in lowland fresh and brackish waterbodies, with algal concentrations typical of modern blooms. These initiated before any trace of post-extinction recovery vegetation but recurred episodically for >100 kyrs. During the following 3 Myrs, algae and bacteria thrived within short-lived, poorly-oxygenated, and likely toxic lakes and rivers. Comparisons to global deep-time records indicate that microbial blooms are persistent freshwater ecological stressors during warming-driven extinction events.