- Award ID(s):
- 1636476
- 10085001
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
- 2169-9003
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)Surface-based 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys were used to characterize permafrost distribution at wetland sites on the alluvial plain north of the Tanana River, 20 km southwest of Fairbanks, Alaska, in June and September 2014. The sites were part of an ecologically-sensitive research area characterizing biogeochemical response of this region to warming and permafrost thaw, and the site contained landscape features characteristic of interior Alaska, including thermokarst bog, forested permafrost plateau, and a rich fen. The results show how vegetation reflects shallow (0–10 m depth) permafrost distribution. Additionally, we saw shallow (0–3 m depth) low resistivity areas in forested permafrost plateau potentially indicating the presence of increased unfrozen water content as a precursor to ground instability and thaw. Time-lapse study from June to September suggested a depth of seasonal influence extending several meters below the active layer, potentially as a result of changes in unfrozen water content. A comparison of several electrode geometries (dipole-dipole, extended dipole-dipole, Wenner-Schlumberger) showed that for depths of interest to our study (0–10 m) results were similar, but data acquisition time with dipole-dipole was the shortest, making it our preferred geometry. The results show the utility of ERT surveys to characterize permafrost distribution at these sites, and how vegetation reflects shallow permafrost distribution. These results are valuable information for ecologically sensitive areas where ground-truthing can cause excessive disturbance. ERT data can be used to characterize the exact subsurface geometry of permafrost such that over time an understanding of changing permafrost conditions can be made in great detail. Characterizing the depth of thaw and thermal influence from the surface in these areas also provides important information as an indication of the depth to which carbon storage and microbially-mediated carbon processing may be affected.more » « less
Permafrost is ground that remains frozen year-round due to a cold climate; the active layer is the ground above the permafrost that thaws and re-freezes each year. Nearly 40 million acres of National Park Service (NPS) land in Alaska, similar to the size of Florida, lie within the zone of continuous or discontinuous permafrost. Permafrost can be classified as continuous (>90% of land area underlain by permafrost), discontinuous (90%-50%), sporadic (50%-10%), or isolated (<10%; Ferrians 1965). Permafrost is most vulnerable to climatic warming when its temperature is within a few degrees of thawing. Large-scale permafrost thawing would lead to a major reconfiguration of the landscape through the development of thermokarst (irregular topography resulting from ground ice melting).more » « less
null (Ed.)Abstract. Infrastructure built on perennially frozen ice-richground relies heavily on thermally stable subsurface conditions. Climate-warming-induced deepening of ground thaw puts such infrastructure at risk offailure. For better assessing the risk of large-scale future damage to Arcticinfrastructure, improved strategies for model-based approaches are urgentlyneeded. We used the laterally coupled 1D heat conduction model CryoGrid3to simulate permafrost degradation affected by linear infrastructure. Wepresent a case study of a gravel road built on continuous permafrost (Daltonhighway, Alaska) and forced our model under historical and strong futurewarming conditions (following the RCP8.5 scenario). As expected, the presenceof a gravel road in the model leads to higher net heat flux entering theground compared to a reference run without infrastructure and thus a higherrate of thaw. Further, our results suggest that road failure is likely aconsequence of lateral destabilisation due to talik formation in the groundbeside the road rather than a direct consequence of a top-down thawing anddeepening of the active layer below the road centre. In line with previousstudies, we identify enhanced snow accumulation and ponding (both aconsequence of infrastructure presence) as key factors for increased soiltemperatures and road degradation. Using differing horizontal modelresolutions we show that it is possible to capture these key factors and theirimpact on thawing dynamics with a low number of lateral model units,underlining the potential of our model approach for use in pan-Arctic riskassessments. Our results suggest a general two-phase behaviour of permafrost degradation:an initial phase of slow and gradual thaw, followed by a strong increase inthawing rates after the exceedance of a critical ground warming. The timing ofthis transition and the magnitude of thaw rate acceleration differ stronglybetween undisturbed tundra and infrastructure-affected permafrost ground. Ourmodel results suggest that current model-based approaches which do notexplicitly take into account infrastructure in their designs are likely tostrongly underestimate the timing of future Arctic infrastructure failure. By using a laterally coupled 1D model to simulate linearinfrastructure, we infer results in line with outcomes from more complex 2Dand 3D models, but our model's computational efficiency allows us to accountfor long-term climate change impacts on infrastructure from permafrostdegradation. Our model simulations underline that it is crucial to considerclimate warming when planning and constructing infrastructure on permafrost asa transition from a stable to a highly unstable state can well occur withinthe service lifetime (about 30 years) of such a construction. Such atransition can even be triggered in the coming decade by climate change forinfrastructure built on high northern latitude continuous permafrost thatdisplays cold and relatively stable conditions today.more » « less
When wet Arctic tundra soils begin to freeze in the fall, an unfrozen layer remains between the frozen surface and deeper permafrost layers. This period is known as the zero curtain, as liquid water keeps the temperature of this soil layer near 0 Celsius (C) while latent heat is gradually dissipated. This experiment compares the temperature response of the methanogenic community in the zero curtain period with that of the summer community to test whether the zero curtain methanogenic community is especially cold adapted. This dataset includes methane production rates measured in anaerobic laboratory incubations of soils collected from two dates (July and Nov 2018) at temperatures around 0, 4 and 10C.more » « less
Abstract Permafrost thaw is hypothesized to increase riverbank erosion rates, which threatens Arctic communities and infrastructure. However, existing erosion models have not been tested against controlled flume experiments with open‐channel flow past an erodible, hydraulically rough permafrost bank. We conducted temperature‐controlled flume experiments where turbulent water eroded laterally into riverbanks consisting of sand and pore ice. The experiments were designed to produce ablation‐limited erosion such that any thawed sediment was quickly transported away from the bank. Bank erosion rates increased linearly with water temperature, decreased with pore ice content, and were insensitive to changes in bank temperature, consistent with theory. However, erosion rates were approximately a factor of three greater than expected. The heightened erosion rates were due to a greater coefficient of heat transfer from the turbulent water to the permafrost bank caused by bank grain roughness. A revised ablation‐limited bank erosion model with a heat transfer coefficient that includes bank roughness matched our experimental results well. Results indicate that bank erosion along Arctic rivers can accelerate under scenarios of warming river water temperatures for cases where the cadence of bank erosion is set by pore‐ice melting rather than sediment entrainment.