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Title: Taking proof into secondary classrooms – supporting future mathematics teachers
For reasoning and proof to become a reality in mathematics classrooms, it is important to prepare teachers who have knowledge and skills to integrate reasoning and proving in their teaching. Aiming to enhance prospective secondary teachers’ (PSTs) content and pedagogical knowledge related to proof, we designed and studied a capstone course Mathematical Reasoning and Proving for Secondary Teachers. This paper describes the structure of the course and illustrates how PSTs’ interacted with its different components. The PSTs first strengthened their content knowledge, then developed and taught in local schools a lesson incorporating proof components. Initial data analyses show gains in PSTs’ knowledge for teaching proof and dispositions towards proving, following their participation in the course.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA)
Page Range / eLocation ID:
711- 714
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  2. Abstract

    Mathematics teacher education programs in the United States are charged with preparing prospective secondary teachers (PSTs) to teach reasoning and proving across grade levels and mathematical topics. Although most programs require a course on proof, PSTs often perceive it as disconnected from their future classroom practice. Our design research project developed a capstone courseMathematical Reasoning and Proving for Secondary Teachersand systematically studied its effect on PSTs’ content and pedagogical knowledge specific to proof. This paper focuses on one course module—Quantification and the Role of Examples in Proving,a topic which poses persistent difficulties to students and teachers alike. The analysis suggests that after the course, PSTs’ content and pedagogical knowledge of the role of examples in proving increased. We provide evidence from multiple data sources: pre-and post-questionnaires, PSTs’ responses to the in-class activities, their lesson plans, reflections on lesson enactment, and self-report. We discuss design principles that supported PSTs’ learning and their applicability beyond the study context.

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  3. Karunakaran, S. S. ; Higgins, A. (Ed.)
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  5. Karunakaran, S. S. ; Higgins, A. (Ed.)
    The critical role of teachers in supporting student engagement with reasoning and proving has long been recognized (Nardi & Knuth, 2017; NCTM, 2014). While some studies examined how prospective secondary teachers (PSTs) develop dispositions and teaching practices that promote student engagement with reasoning and proving (e.g., Buchbinder & McCrone, 2020; Conner, 2007), very little is known about long-term development of proof-related practices of beginning teachers and what factors affect this development (Stylianides et al., 2017). During the supervised teaching experiences, interns often encounter tensions between balancing their commitments to the university and cooperating teacher, while also developing their own teaching styles (Bieda et al., 2015; Smagorinsky et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2008). Our study examines how sociocultural contexts of the teacher preparation program and of the internship school, supported or inhibited proof-related teaching practices of beginning secondary mathematics teachers. In particular, this study aims to understand the observed gap between proof-related teaching practices of one such teacher, Olive, in two settings: as a PST in a capstone course Mathematical Reasoning and Proving for Secondary Teachers (Buchbinder & McCrone, 2020) and as an intern in a high-school classroom. We utilize activity theory (Leont’ev, 1979) and Engeström’s (1987) model of an activity system to examine how the various components of the system: teacher (subject), teaching (object), the tasks (tools), the curriculum and the expected teaching style (rules), the cooperating teacher (community) and their involvement during the teaching (division of labor) interact with each other and affect the opportunities provided to students to engage with reasoning and proving (outcome). The analysis of four lessons from each setting, lesson plans, reflections and interviews, showed that as a PST, Olive engaged students with reasoning and proving through productive proof-related teaching practices and rich tasks that involved conjecturing, justifying, proving and evaluating arguments. In a sharp contrast, as an intern, Olive had to follow her school’s rigid curriculum and expectations, and to adhere to her cooperating teacher’s teaching style. As a result, in her lessons as an intern students received limited opportunities for reasoning and proving. Olive expressed dissatisfaction with this type of teaching and her desire to enact more proof-oriented practices. Our results show that the sociocultural components of the activity system (rules, community and division of labor), which were backgrounded in Olive’s teaching experience as a PST but prominent in her internship experience, influenced the outcome of engaging students with reasoning and proving. We discuss the importance of these sociocultural aspects as we examine how Olive navigated the tensions between the proof-related teaching practices she adopted in the capstone course and her teaching style during the internship. We highlight the importance of teacher educators considering the sociocultural aspects of teaching in supporting beginning teachers developing proof-related teaching practices. 
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