- Award ID(s):
- 1830432
- 10112207
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Tensegrity structures made from rigid rods and elastic cables have unique characteristics, such as being lightweight, easy to fabricate, and high load-carrying to weight capacity. In this article, we leverage tensegrity structures as wheels for a mobile robot that can actively change its shape by expanding or collapsing the wheels. Besides the shape-changing capability, using tensegrity as wheels offers several advantages over traditional wheels of similar sizes, such as a shock-absorbing capability without added mass since tensegrity wheels are both lightweight and highly compliant. We show that a robot with two icosahedron tensegrity wheels can reduce its width from 400 to 180 mm, and simultaneously, increase its height from 75 to 95 mm by changing the expanded tensegrity wheels to collapsed disk-like ones. The tensegrity wheels enable the robot to overcome steps with heights up to 110 and 150 mm with the expanded and collapsed configuration, respectively. We establish design guidelines for robots with tensegrity wheels by analyzing the maximum step height that can be overcome by the robot and the force required to collapse the wheel. The robot can also jump onto obstacles up to 300-mm high with a bistable mechanism that can gradually store but quickly release energy. We demonstrate the robot's locomotion capability in indoor and outdoor environments, including various natural terrains, like sand, grass, rocks, ice, and snow. Our results suggest that using tensegrity structures as wheels for mobile robots can enhance their capability to overcome obstacles, traverse challenging terrains, and survive falls from heights. When combined with other locomotion modes (e.g., jumping), such shape-changing robots can have broad applications for search-and-rescue after disasters or surveillance and monitoring in unstructured environments.more » « less
Tensegrity robots, composed of rigid rods and flexible cables, exhibit high strength-to-weight ratios and significant deformations, which enable them to navigate unstructured terrains and survive harsh impacts. They are hard to control, however, due to high dimensionality, complex dynamics, and a coupled architecture. Physics-based simulation is a promising avenue for developing locomotion policies that can be transferred to real robots. Nevertheless, modeling tensegrity robots is a complex task due to a substantial sim2real gap. To address this issue, this paper describes a Real2Sim2Real (R2S2R) strategy for tensegrity robots. This strategy is based on a differentiable physics engine that can be trained given limited data from a real robot. These data include offline measurements of physical properties, such as mass and geometry for various robot components, and the observation of a trajectory using a random control policy. With the data from the real robot, the engine can be iteratively refined and used to discover locomotion policies that are directly transferable to the real robot. Beyond the R2S2R pipeline, key contributions of this work include computing non-zero gradients at contact points, a loss function for matching tensegrity locomotion gaits, and a trajectory segmentation technique that avoids conflicts in gradient evaluation during training. Multiple iterations of the R2S2R process are demonstrated and evaluated on a real 3-bar tensegrity robot.more » « less
Tensegrity robots, composed of rigid rods and flexible cables, exhibit high strength-to-weight ratios and significant deformations, which enable them to navigate unstructured terrains and survive harsh impacts. They are hard to control, however, due to high dimensionality, complex dynamics, and a coupled architecture. Physics-based simulation is a promising avenue for developing locomotion policies that can be transferred to real robots. Nevertheless, modeling tensegrity robots is a complex task due to a substantial sim2real gap. To address this issue, this paper describes a Real2Sim2Real (R2S2R) strategy for tensegrity robots. This strategy is based on a differentiable physics engine that can be trained given limited data from a real robot. These data include offline measurements of physical properties, such as mass and geometry for various robot components, and the observation of a trajectory using a random control policy. With the data from the real robot, the engine can be iteratively refined and used to discover locomotion policies that are directly transferable to the real robot. Beyond the R2S2R pipeline, key contributions of this work include computing non-zero gradients at contact points, a loss function for matching tensegrity locomotion gaits, and a trajectory segmentation technique that avoids conflicts in gradient evaluation during training. Multiple iterations of the R2S2R process are demonstrated and evaluated on a real 3-bar tensegrity robot.more » « less
Abstract Traditional hard robots often require complex motion‐control systems to accomplish various tasks, while applications of soft‐bodied robots are limited by their low load‐carrying capability. Herein, a hybrid tensegrity robot composed of both hard and soft materials is constructed, mimicking the musculoskeletal system of animals. Employing liquid crystal elastomer–carbon nanotube composites as artificial muscles in the tensegrity robot, it is demonstrated that the robot is extremely deformable, and its multidirectional locomotion can be entirely powered by light. The tensegrity robot is ultralight, highly scalable, has high load capacity, and can be precisely controlled to move along different paths on multiterrains. In addition, the robot also shows excellent resilience, deployability, and impact‐mitigation capability, making it an ideal platform for robotics for a wide range of applications.
Numerous recent advances in robotics have been inspired by the biological principle of tensile integrity — or “tensegrity”— to achieve remarkable feats of dexterity and resilience. Tensegrity robots contain compliant networks of rigid struts and soft cables, allowing them to change their shape by adjusting their internal tension. Local rigidity along the struts provides support to carry electronics and scientific payloads, while global compliance enabled by the flexible interconnections of struts and cables allows a tensegrity to distribute impacts and prevent damage. Numerous techniques have been proposed for designing and simulating tensegrity robots, giving rise to a wide range of locomotion modes including rolling, vibrating, hopping, and crawling. Here, we review progress in the burgeoning field of tensegrity robotics, highlighting several emerging challenges, including automated design, state sensing, and kinodynamic motion planning.more » « less