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Title: Pedestrian Motion Trajectory Prediction With Stereo-Based 3D Deep Pose Estimation and Trajectory Learning
Existing methods for pedestrian motion trajectory prediction are learning and predicting the trajectories in the 2D image space. In this work, we observe that it is much more efficient to learn and predict pedestrian trajectories in the 3D space since the human motion occurs in the 3D physical world and and their behavior patterns are better represented in the 3D space. To this end, we use a stereo camera system to detect and track the human pose with deep neural networks. During pose estimation, these twin deep neural networks satisfy the stereo consistence constraint. We adapt the existing SocialGAN method to perform pedestrian motion trajectory prediction from the 2D to the 3D space. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method significantly improves the pedestrian trajectory prediction performance, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods.  more » « less
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IEEE access
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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