- Award ID(s):
- 1909612
- 10185525
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the 2020 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2020
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1995--2009
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Guruswami, Venkatesan (Ed.)Inspired by the classic problem of Boolean function monotonicity testing, we investigate the testability of other well-studied properties of combinatorial finite set systems, specifically intersecting families and union-closed families. A function f: {0,1}ⁿ → {0,1} is intersecting (respectively, union-closed) if its set of satisfying assignments corresponds to an intersecting family (respectively, a union-closed family) of subsets of [n]. Our main results are that - in sharp contrast with the property of being a monotone set system - the property of being an intersecting set system, and the property of being a union-closed set system, both turn out to be information-theoretically difficult to test. We show that: - For ε ≥ Ω(1/√n), any non-adaptive two-sided ε-tester for intersectingness must make 2^{Ω(n^{1/4}/√{ε})} queries. We also give a 2^{Ω(√{n log(1/ε)})}-query lower bound for non-adaptive one-sided ε-testers for intersectingness. - For ε ≥ 1/2^{Ω(n^{0.49})}, any non-adaptive two-sided ε-tester for union-closedness must make n^{Ω(log(1/ε))} queries. Thus, neither intersectingness nor union-closedness shares the poly(n,1/ε)-query non-adaptive testability that is enjoyed by monotonicity. To complement our lower bounds, we also give a simple poly(n^{√{nlog(1/ε)}},1/ε)-query, one-sided, non-adaptive algorithm for ε-testing each of these properties (intersectingness and union-closedness). We thus achieve nearly tight upper and lower bounds for two-sided testing of intersectingness when ε = Θ(1/√n), and for one-sided testing of intersectingness when ε = Θ(1).more » « less
Tauman_Kalai, Yael (Ed.)We show improved monotonicity testers for the Boolean hypercube under the p-biased measure, as well as over the hypergrid [m]ⁿ. Our results are: 1) For any p ∈ (0,1), for the p-biased hypercube we show a non-adaptive tester that makes Õ(√n/ε²) queries, accepts monotone functions with probability 1 and rejects functions that are ε-far from monotone with probability at least 2/3. 2) For all m ∈ ℕ, we show an Õ(√nm³/ε²) query monotonicity tester over [m]ⁿ. We also establish corresponding directed isoperimetric inequalities in these domains, analogous to the isoperimetric inequality in [Subhash Khot et al., 2018]. Previously, the best known tester due to Black, Chakrabarty and Seshadhri [Hadley Black et al., 2018] had Ω(n^{5/6}) query complexity. Our results are optimal up to poly-logarithmic factors and the dependency on m. Our proof uses a notion of monotone embeddings of measures into the Boolean hypercube that can be used to reduce the problem of monotonicity testing over an arbitrary product domains to the Boolean cube. The embedding maps a function over a product domain of dimension n into a function over a Boolean cube of a larger dimension n', while preserving its distance from being monotone; an embedding is considered efficient if n' is not much larger than n, and we show how to construct efficient embeddings in the above mentioned settings.more » « less
The online manipulation-resilient testing model, proposed by Kalemaj, Raskhodnikova and Varma (ITCS 2022 and Theory of Computing 2023), studies property testing in situations where access to the input degrades continuously and adversarially. Specifically, after each query made by the tester is answered, the adversary can intervene and either erase or corrupt t data points. In this work, we investigate a more nuanced version of the online model in order to overcome old and new impossibility results for the original model. We start by presenting an optimal tester for linearity and a lower bound for low-degree testing of Boolean functions in the original model. We overcome the lower bound by allowing batch queries, where the tester gets a group of queries answered between manipulations of the data. Our batch size is small enough so that function values for a single batch on their own give no information about whether the function is of low degree. Finally, to overcome the impossibility results of Kalemaj et al. for sortedness and the Lipschitz property of sequences, we extend the model to include t < 1, i.e., adversaries that make less than one erasure per query. For sortedness, we characterize the rate of erasures for which online testing can be performed, exhibiting a sharp transition from optimal query complexity to impossibility of testability (with any number of queries). Our online tester works for a general class of local properties of sequences. One feature of our results is that we get new (and in some cases, simpler) optimal algorithms for several properties in the standard property testing model.more » « less
The problem of testing monotonicity for Boolean functions on the hypergrid, $f:[n]^d \to \{0,1\}$ is a classic topic in property testing. When $n=2$, the domain is the hypercube. For the hypercube case, a breakthrough result of Khot-Minzer-Safra (FOCS 2015) gave a non-adaptive, one-sided tester making $\otilde(\eps^{-2}\sqrt{d})$ queries. Up to polylog $d$ and $\eps$ factors, this bound matches the $\widetilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{d})$-query non-adaptive lower bound (Chen-De-Servedio-Tan (STOC 2015), Chen-Waingarten-Xie (STOC 2017)). For any $n > 2$, the optimal non-adaptive complexity was unknown. A previous result of the authors achieves a $\otilde(d^{5/6})$-query upper bound (SODA 2020), quite far from the $\sqrt{d}$ bound for the hypercube. In this paper, we resolve the non-adaptive complexity of monotonicity testing for all constant $n$, up to $\poly(\eps^{-1}\log d)$ factors. Specifically, we give a non-adaptive, one-sided monotonicity tester making $\otilde(\eps^{-2}n\sqrt{d})$ queries. From a technical standpoint, we prove new directed isoperimetric theorems over the hypergrid $[n]^d$. These results generalize the celebrated directed Talagrand inequalities that were only known for the hypercube.more » « less
In this paper, we consider two fundamental cut approximation problems on large graphs. We prove new lower bounds for both problems that are optimal up to logarithmic factors.
The first problem is approximating cuts in balanced directed graphs. In this problem, we want to build a data structure that can provide (1 ± ε)-approximation of cut values on a graph with n vertices. For arbitrary directed graphs, such a data structure requires Ω(n2) bits even for constant ε. To circumvent this, recent works study β-balanced graphs, meaning that for every directed cut, the total weight of edges in one direction is at most β times the total weight in the other direction. We consider the for-each model, where the goal is to approximate each cut with constant probability, and the for-all model, where all cuts must be preserved simultaneously. We improve the previous Ømega(n √β/ε) lower bound in the for-each model to ~Ω (n √β /ε) and we improve the previous Ω(n β/ε) lower bound in the for-all model to Ω(n β/ε2). This resolves the main open questions of (Cen et al., ICALP, 2021).
The second problem is approximating the global minimum cut in a local query model, where we can only access the graph via degree, edge, and adjacency queries. We prove an ΩL(min m, m/ε2k R) lower bound for this problem, which improves the previous ΩL(m/k R) lower bound, where m is the number of edges, k is the minimum cut size, and we seek a (1+ε)-approximation. In addition, we show that existing upper bounds with minor modifications match our lower bound up to logarithmic factors.