- Award ID(s):
- 1934641
- 10188275
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Advances in neural information processing systems
- 1049-5258
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 8004-8013
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Chaudhuri, Kamalika and (Ed.)We study the problem of reinforcement learning (RL) with low (policy) switching cost {—} a problem well-motivated by real-life RL applications in which deployments of new policies are costly and the number of policy updates must be low. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm based on stage-wise exploration and adaptive policy elimination that achieves a regret of $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{H^4S^2AT})$ while requiring a switching cost of $O(HSA \log\log T)$. This is an exponential improvement over the best-known switching cost $O(H^2SA\log T)$ among existing methods with $\widetilde{O}(\mathrm{poly}(H,S,A)\sqrt{T})$ regret. In the above, $S,A$ denotes the number of states and actions in an $H$-horizon episodic Markov Decision Process model with unknown transitions, and $T$ is the number of steps. As a byproduct of our new techniques, we also derive a reward-free exploration algorithm with a switching cost of $O(HSA)$. Furthermore, we prove a pair of information-theoretical lower bounds which say that (1) Any no-regret algorithm must have a switching cost of $\Omega(HSA)$; (2) Any $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret algorithm must incur a switching cost of $\Omega(HSA\log\log T)$. Both our algorithms are thus optimal in their switching costs.more » « less
We study the problem of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) with adaptivity constraints -- a new problem motivated by real-world applications where deployments of new policies are costly and the number of policy updates must be minimized. For two-player zero-sum Markov Games, we design a (policy) elimination based algorithm that achieves a regret of O˜(H3S2ABK‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾√), while the batch complexity is only O(H+loglogK). In the above, S denotes the number of states, A,B are the number of actions for the two players respectively, H is the horizon and K is the number of episodes. Furthermore, we prove a batch complexity lower bound Ω(HlogAK+loglogK) for all algorithms with O˜(K‾‾√) regret bound, which matches our upper bound up to logarithmic factors. As a byproduct, our techniques naturally extend to learning bandit games and reward-free MARL within near optimal batch complexity. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first line of results towards understanding MARL with low adaptivity.more » « less
In this paper, we propose and study opportunistic contextual bandits - a special case of contextual bandits where the exploration cost varies under different environmental conditions, such as network load or return variation in recommendations. When the exploration cost is low, so is the actual regret of pulling a sub-optimal arm (e.g., trying a suboptimal recommendation). Therefore, intuitively, we could explore more when the exploration cost is relatively low and exploit more when the exploration cost is relatively high. Inspired by this intuition, for opportunistic contextual bandits with Linear payoffs, we propose an Adaptive Upper-Confidence-Bound algorithm (AdaLinUCB) to adaptively balance the exploration-exploitation trade-off for opportunistic learning. We prove that AdaLinUCB achieves O((log T)^2) problem-dependent regret upper bound, which has a smaller coefficient than that of the traditional LinUCB algorithm. Moreover, based on both synthetic and real-world dataset, we show that AdaLinUCB significantly outperforms other contextual bandit algorithms, under large exploration cost fluctuations.
Thompson sampling (TS) is one of the most popular exploration techniques in reinforcement learning (RL). However, most TS algorithms with theoretical guarantees are difficult to implement and not generalizable to Deep RL. While the emerging approximate sampling-based exploration schemes are promising, most existing algorithms are specific to linear Markov Decision Processes (MDP) with suboptimal regret bounds, or only use the most basic samplers such as Langevin Monte Carlo. In this work, we propose an algorithmic framework that incorporates different approximate sampling methods with the recently proposed Feel-Good Thompson Sampling (FGTS) approach \citep{zhang2022feel,dann2021provably}, which was previously known to be computationally intractable in general. When applied to linear MDPs, our regret analysis yields the best known dependency of regret on dimensionality, surpassing existing randomized algorithms. Additionally, we provide explicit sampling complexity for each employed sampler. Empirically, we show that in tasks where deep exploration is necessary, our proposed algorithms that combine FGTS and approximate sampling perform significantly better compared to other strong baselines. On several challenging games from the Atari 57 suite, our algorithms achieve performance that is either better than or on par with other strong baselines from the deep RL literature.more » « less
In this paper, we propose and study opportunistic bandits - a new variant of bandits where the regret of pulling a suboptimal arm varies under different environmental conditions, such as network load or produce price. When the load/price is low, so is the cost/regret of pulling a suboptimal arm (e.g., trying a suboptimal network configuration). Therefore, intuitively, we could explore more when the load/price is low and exploit more when the load/price is high. Inspired by this intuition, we propose an Adaptive Upper-Confidence-Bound (AdaUCB) algorithm to adaptively balance the exploration-exploitation tradeoff for opportunistic bandits. We prove that AdaUCB achieves O(log T) regret with a smaller coefficient than the traditional UCB algorithm. Furthermore, AdaUCB achieves O(1) regret with respect to T if the exploration cost is zero when the load level is below a certain threshold. Last, based on both synthetic data and real-world traces, experimental results show that AdaUCB significantly outperforms other bandit algorithms, such as UCB and TS (Thompson Sampling), under large load/price fluctuation.more » « less