- Award ID(s):
- 1719932
- 10188319
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Computational optimization and applications
- 1573-2894
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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We develop a unified level-bundle method, called accelerated constrained level-bundle (ACLB) algorithm, for solving constrained convex optimization problems. where the objective and constraint functions can be nonsmooth, weakly smooth, and/or smooth. ACLB employs Nesterov’s accelerated gradient technique, and hence retains the iteration complexity as that of existing bundle-type methods if the objective or one of the constraint functions is nonsmooth. More importantly, ACLB can significantly reduce iteration complexity when the objective and all constraints are (weakly) smooth. In addition, if the objective contains a nonsmooth component which can be written as a specific form of maximum, we show that the iteration complexity of this component can be much lower than that for general nonsmooth objective function. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.more » « less
Abstract We present a new feasible proximal gradient method for constrained optimization where both the objective and constraint functions are given by summation of a smooth, possibly nonconvex function and a convex simple function. The algorithm converts the original problem into a sequence of convex subproblems. Formulating those subproblems requires the evaluation of at most one gradient-value of the original objective and constraint functions. Either exact or approximate subproblems solutions can be computed efficiently in many cases. An important feature of the algorithm is the constraint level parameter. By carefully increasing this level for each subproblem, we provide a simple solution to overcome the challenge of bounding the Lagrangian multipliers and show that the algorithm follows a strictly feasible solution path till convergence to the stationary point. We develop a simple, proximal gradient descent type analysis, showing that the complexity bound of this new algorithm is comparable to gradient descent for the unconstrained setting which is new in the literature. Exploiting this new design and analysis technique, we extend our algorithms to some more challenging constrained optimization problems where (1) the objective is a stochastic or finite-sum function, and (2) structured nonsmooth functions replace smooth components of both objective and constraint functions. Complexity results for these problems also seem to be new in the literature. Finally, our method can also be applied to convex function constrained problems where we show complexities similar to the proximal gradient method.
arXiv:2311.11180v1 (Ed.)This paper presents a subgradient-based algorithm for constrained nonsmooth convex optimization that does not require projections onto the feasible set. While the well-established Frank-Wolfe algorithm and its variants already avoid projections, they are primarily designed for smooth objective functions. In con- trast, our proposed algorithm can handle nonsmooth problems with general convex functional inequality constraints. It achieves an ϵ-suboptimal solution in O(ϵ^−2) iterations, with each iteration requiring only a single (potentially inexact) Linear Minimization Oracle (LMO) call and a (possibly inexact) subgra- dient computation. This performance is consistent with existing lower bounds. Similar performance is observed when deterministic subgradients are replaced with stochastic subgradients. In the special case where there are no functional inequality constraints, our algorithm competes favorably with a recent nonsmooth projection-free method designed for constraint-free problems. Our approach uti- lizes a simple separation scheme in conjunction with a new Lagrange multiplier update rule.more » « less
Abstract This paper presents a subgradient-based algorithm for constrained nonsmooth convex optimization that does not require projections onto the feasible set. While the well-established Frank–Wolfe algorithm and its variants already avoid projections, they are primarily designed for smooth objective functions. In contrast, our proposed algorithm can handle nonsmooth problems with general convex functional inequality constraints. It achieves an
-suboptimal solution in$$\epsilon $$ iterations, with each iteration requiring only a single (potentially inexact) Linear Minimization Oracle call and a (possibly inexact) subgradient computation. This performance is consistent with existing lower bounds. Similar performance is observed when deterministic subgradients are replaced with stochastic subgradients. In the special case where there are no functional inequality constraints, our algorithm competes favorably with a recent nonsmooth projection-free method designed for constraint-free problems. Our approach utilizes a simple separation scheme in conjunction with a new Lagrange multiplier update rule.$$\mathcal {O}(\epsilon ^{-2})$$ -
Gradient sampling (GS) methods for the minimization of objective functions that may be nonconvex and/or nonsmooth are proposed, analyzed, and tested. One of the most computationally expensive components of contemporary GS methods is the need to solve a convex quadratic subproblem in each iteration. By contrast, the methods proposed in this paper allow the use of inexact solutions of these subproblems, which, as proved in the paper, can be incorporated without the loss of theoretical convergence guarantees. Numerical experiments show that, by exploiting inexact subproblem solutions, one can consistently reduce the computational effort required by a GS method. Additionally, a strategy is proposed for aggregating gradient information after a subproblem is solved (potentially inexactly) as has been exploited in bundle methods for nonsmooth optimization. It is proved that the aggregation scheme can be introduced without the loss of theoretical convergence guarantees. Numerical experiments show that incorporating this gradient aggregation approach can also reduce the computational effort required by a GS method.more » « less