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Title: On the dynamics of user engagement in news comment media
Many news outlets allow users to contribute comments on topics about daily world events. News articles are the seeds that spring users' interest to contribute content, that is, comments. A news outlet may allow users to contribute comments on all their articles or a selected number of them. The topic of an article may lead to an apathetic user commenting activity (several tens of comments) or to a spontaneous fervent one (several thousands of comments). This environment creates a social dynamic that is little studied. The social dynamics around articles have the potential to reveal interesting facets of the user population at a news outlet. In this paper, we report the salient findings about these social media from 15 months worth of data collected from 17 news outlets comprising of over 38,000 news articles and about 21 million user comments. Analysis of the data reveals interesting insights such as there is an uneven relationship between news outlets and their user populations across outlets. Such observations and others have not been revealed, to our knowledge. We believe our analysis in this paper can contribute to news predictive analytics (e.g., user reaction to a news article or predicting the volume of comments posted to an article).  more » « less
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Wiley interdisciplinary reviews
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. Abstract

    Many news outlets allow users to contribute comments on topics about daily world events. News articles are the seeds that spring users' interest to contribute content, that is, comments. A news outlet may allow users to contribute comments on all their articles or a selected number of them. The topic of an article may lead to an apathetic user commenting activity (several tens of comments) or to a spontaneous fervent one (several thousands of comments). This environment creates a social dynamic that is little studied. The social dynamics around articles have the potential to reveal interesting facets of the user population at a news outlet. In this paper, we report the salient findings about these social media from 15 months worth of data collected from 17 news outlets comprising of over 38,000 news articles and about 21 million user comments. Analysis of the data reveals interesting insights such as there is an uneven relationship between news outlets and their user populations across outlets. Such observations and others have not been revealed, to our knowledge. We believe our analysis in this paper can contribute to news predictive analytics (e.g., user reaction to a news article or predicting the volume of comments posted to an article).

    This article is categorized under:

    Internet > Society and Culture

    Ensemble Methods > Web Mining

    Fundamental Concepts of Data and Knowledge > Human Centricity and User Interaction

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  2. null (Ed.)
    Many news outlets allow users to contribute comments on topics about daily world events. News articles are the seeds that spring users' interest to contribute content, i.e., comments. An article may attract an apathetic user engagement (several tens of comments) or a spontaneous fervent user engagement (thousands of comments). In this paper, we study the problem of predicting the total number of user comments a news article will receive. Our main insight is that the early dynamics of user comments contribute the most to an accurate prediction, while news article specific factors have surprisingly little influence. This appears to be an interesting and understudied phenomenon: collective social behavior at a news outlet shapes user response and may even downplay the content of an article. We compile and analyze a large number of features, both old and novel from literature. The features span a broad spectrum of facets including news article and comment contents, temporal dynamics, sentiment/linguistic features, and user behaviors. We show that the early arrival rate of comments is the best indicator of the eventual number of comments. We conduct an in-depth analysis of this feature across several dimensions, such as news outlets and news article categories. We show that the relationship between the early rate and the final number of comments as well as the prediction accuracy vary considerably across news outlets and news article categories (e.g., politics, sports, or health). 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    The Web has become the main source for news acquisition. At the same time, news discussion has become more social: users can post comments on news articles or discuss news articles on other platforms like Reddit. These features empower and enable discussions among the users; however, they also act as the medium for the dissemination of toxic discourse and hate speech. The research community lacks a general understanding on what type of content attracts hateful discourse and the possible effects of social networks on the commenting activity on news articles. In this work, we perform a large-scale quantitative analysis of 125M comments posted on 412K news articles over the course of 19 months. We analyze the content of the collected articles and their comments using temporal analysis, user-based analysis, and linguistic analysis, to shed light on what elements attract hateful comments on news articles. We also investigate commenting activity when an article is posted on either 4chan’s Politically Incorrect board (/pol/) or six selected subreddits. We find statistically significant increases in hateful commenting activity around real-world divisive events like the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville and political events like the second and third 2016 US presidential debates. Also, we find that articles that attract a substantial number of hateful comments have different linguistic characteristics when compared to articles that do not attract hateful comments. Furthermore, we observe that the post of a news articles on either /pol/ or the six subreddits is correlated with an increase of (hateful) commenting activity on the news articles. 
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  4. Many online news outlets, forums, and blogs provide a rich stream of publications and user comments. This rich body of data is a valuable source of information for researchers, journalists, and policymakers. However, the ever-increasing production and user engagement rate make it difficult to analyze this data without automated tools. This work presents MultiLayerET, a method to unify the representation of entities and topics in articles and comments. In MultiLayerET, articles' content and associated comments are parsed into a multilayer graph consisting of heterogeneous nodes representing named entities and news topics. The nodes within this graph have attributed edges denoting weight, i.e., the strength of the connection between the two nodes, time, i.e., the co-occurrence contemporaneity of two nodes, and sentiment, i.e., the opinion (in aggregate) of an entity toward a topic. Such information helps in analyzing articles and their comments. We infer the edges connecting two nodes using information mined from the textual data. The multilayer representation gives an advantage over a single-layer representation since it integrates articles and comments via shared topics and entities, providing richer signal points about emerging events. MultiLayerET can be applied to different downstream tasks, such as detecting media bias and misinformation. To explore the efficacy of the proposed method, we apply MultiLayerET to a body of data gathered from six representative online news outlets. We show that with MultiLayerET, the classification F1 score of a media bias prediction model improves by 36%, and that of a state-of-the-art fake news detection model improves by 4%. 
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  5. With the increase in volume of daily online news items, it is more and more difficult for readers to identify news articles relevant to their interests. Thus, effective recommendation systems are critical for an effective user news consumption experience. Existing news recommendation methods usually rely on the news click history to model user interest. However, there are other signals about user behaviors, such as user commenting activity, which have not been used before. We propose a recommendation algorithm that predicts articles a user may be interested in, given her historical sequential commenting behavior on news articles. We show that following this sequential user behavior the news recommendation problem falls into in the class of session-based recommendation. The techniques in this class seek to model users' sequential and temporal behaviors. While we seek to follow the general directions in this space, we face unique challenges specific to news in modeling temporal dynamics, e.g., users' interests shift over time, users comment irregularly on articles, and articles are perishable items with limited lifespans. We propose a recency-regularized neural attentive framework for session-based news recommendation. The proposed method is able to capture the temporal dynamics of both users and news articles, while maintaining interpretability. We design a lag-aware attention and a recency regularization to model the time effect of news articles and comments. We conduct extensive empirical studies on 3 real-world news datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. 
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