Published research highlights the presence of demographic bias in automated facial attribute classification.
The proposed bias mitigation techniques are mostly based on supervised learning, which requires a large amount of
labeled training data for generalizability and scalability. However, labeled data is limited, requires laborious annotation,
poses privacy risks, and can perpetuate human bias. In contrast, self-supervised learning (SSL) capitalizes
on freely available unlabeled data, rendering trained models more scalable and generalizable. However, these
label-free SSL models may also introduce biases by sampling false negative pairs, especially at low-data regimes
(< 200K images) under low compute settings. Further, SSL-based models may suffer from performance degradation
due to a lack of quality assurance of the unlabeled data sourced from the web. This paper proposes a fully self-supervised
pipeline for demographically fair facial attribute classifiers. Leveraging completely unlabeled data pseudolabeled
via pre-trained encoders, diverse data curation techniques, and meta-learning-based weighted contrastive learning, our method significantly outperforms existing SSL approaches proposed for downstream image classification tasks. Extensive evaluations on the FairFace and CelebA datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our pipeline in obtaining fair performance over existing baselines. Thus, setting a new benchmark for SSL in the fairness of facial attribute classification.
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A Manifold Laplacian Regularized Semi-supervised Sparse Image Classification Method with a Variant Trace Lasso Norm
Since the cost of labeling data is getting higher and higher, we hope to make full use of the large amount of unlabeled data and improve image classification effect through adding some unlabeled samples for training. In addition, we expect to uniformly realize two tasks, namely the clustering of the unlabeled data and the recognition of the query image. We achieve the goal by designing a novel sparse model based on manifold assumption, which has been proved to work well in many tasks. Based on the assumption that images of the same class lie on a sub-manifold and an image can be approximately represented as the linear combination of its neighboring data due to the local linear property of manifold, we proposed a sparse representation model on manifold. Specifically, there are two regularizations, i.e., a variant Trace lasso norm and the manifold Laplacian regularization. The first regularization term enables the representation coefficients satisfying sparsity between groups and density within a group. And the second term is manifold Laplacian regularization by which label can be accurately propagated from labeled data to unlabeled data. Augmented Lagrange Multiplier (ALM) scheme and Gauss Seidel Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier (GS-ADMM) are given to solve the problem numerically. We conduct some experiments on three human face databases and compare the proposed work with several state-of-the-art methods. For each subject, some labeled face images are randomly chosen for training for those supervised methods, and a small amount of unlabeled images are added to form the training set of the proposed approach. All experiments show our method can get better classification results due to the addition of unlabeled samples.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1719932
- 10190433
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- IEEE access
- 2169-3536
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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