Today, isolated trusted computation and code execution is of paramount importance to protect sensitive information and workflows from other malicious privileged or unprivileged
software. Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) is a set of security architecture extensions first introduced in the Skylake microarchitecture that enables a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). It provides an ‘inverse sandbox’, for sensitive programs, and guarantees the integrity and confidentiality of secure computations, even from the most privileged malicious software (e.g. OS, hypervisor). SGX-capable CPUs only became available in production systems in Q3 2015, and they are not yet fully supported and adopted in systems. Besides the capability in the CPU, the BIOS also needs to provide support for the enclaves, and not many vendors have released the required updates for the system support. This has led to many wrong assumptions being made about the capabilities, features, and ultimately dangers of secure enclaves. By having access to resources and publications such as white papers, patents and the actual SGX-capable hardware and software development environment, we are in a privileged position to be able to investigate and demystify SGX.
In this paper, we first review the previous trusted execution technologies, such as ARM Trust Zone and Intel TXT, to better understand and appreciate the new innovations of SGX. Then, we look at the details of SGX technology, cryptographic primitives and the underlying concepts that power it, namely the sealing, attestation, and the Memory Encryption Engine (MEE). We also consider use cases such as trusted and secure code execution on an untrusted cloud platform, and digital rights management (DRM). This is followed by an overview of the software development environment and the available libraries.
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Securing Time in Untrusted Operating Systems with TimeSeal
An accurate sense of elapsed time is essential for the safe and correct operation of hardware, software, and networked systems. Unfortunately, an adversary can manipulate the system's time and violate causality, consistency, and scheduling properties of underlying applications. Although cryptographic techniques are used to secure data, they cannot ensure time security as securing a time source is much more challenging, given that the result of inquiring time must be delivered in a timely fashion. In this paper, we first describe general attack vectors that can compromise a system's sense of time. To counter these attacks, we propose a secure time architecture, TIMESEAL that leverages a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to secure time-based primitives. While CPU security features of TEEs secure code and data in protected memory, we show that time sources available in TEE are still prone to OS attacks. TIMESEAL puts forward a high-resolution time source that protects against the OS delay and scheduling attacks. Our TIMESEAL prototype is based on Intel SGX and provides sub-millisecond (msec) resolution as compared to 1-second resolution of SGX trusted time. It also securely bounds the relative time accuracy to msec under OS attacks. In essence, TIMESEAL provides the capability of trusted timestamping and trusted scheduling to critical applications in the presence of a strong adversary. It delivers all temporal use cases pertinent to secure sensing, computing, and actuating in networked systems.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1705135
- 10211574
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- 2019 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 80 to 92
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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