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Title: What Does Dorsal Cortex Contribute to Perception?
According to the influential “Two Visual Pathways” hypothesis, the cortical visual system is segregated into two pathways, with the ventral, occipitotemporal pathway subserving object perception, and the dorsal, occipitoparietal pathway subserving the visuomotor control of action. However, growing evidence suggests that the dorsal pathway also plays a functional role in object perception. In the current article, we present evidence that the dorsal pathway contributes uniquely to the perception of a range of visuospatial attributes that are not redundant with representations in ventral cortex. We describe how dorsal cortex is recruited automatically during perception, even when no explicit visuomotor response is required. Importantly, we propose that dorsal cortex may selectively process visual attributes that can inform the perception of potential actions on objects and environments, and we consider plausible developmental and cognitive mechanisms that might give rise to these representations. As such, we consider whether naturalistic stimuli, such as real-world solid objects, might engage dorsal cortex more so than simplified or artificial stimuli such as images that do not afford action, and how the use of suboptimal stimuli might limit our understanding of the functional contribution of dorsal cortex to visual perception.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Open Mind
Page Range / eLocation ID:
40 to 56
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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