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Title: Absolutely robust controllers for chemical reaction networks
In this work, we design a type of controller that consists of adding a specific set of reactions to an existing mass-action chemical reaction network in order to control a target species. This set of reactions is effective for both deterministic and stochastic networks, in the latter case controlling the mean as well as the variance of the target species. We employ a type of network property called absolute concentration robustness (ACR). We provide applications to the control of a multisite phosphorylation model as well as a receptor–ligand signalling system. For this framework, we use the so-called deficiency zero theorem from chemical reaction network theory as well as multiscaling model reduction methods. We show that the target species has approximately Poisson distribution with the desired mean. We further show that ACR controllers can bring robust perfect adaptation to a target species and are complementary to a recently introduced antithetic feedback controller used for stochastic chemical reactions.  more » « less
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Journal of The Royal Society Interface
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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