- Award ID(s):
- 1637396
- 10235084
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Frontiers in Microbiology
- Volume:
- 12
- 1664-302X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Animal waste products are an important component of nutrient cycles and result in the trophic transmission of diverse microorganisms. There is growing recognition that the feces of consumers, such as predators, may impact resource species, their prey, via physical effects and/or microbial activity. We tested the effect of feces from distinct fish trophic groups on coral health and used heat-killed fecal controls to tease apart physical versus microbial effects of contact with fecal material. Fresh grazer/detritivore fish feces caused lesions more frequently on corals, and lesions were 4.2-fold larger than those from sterilized grazer/detritivore feces; in contrast, fresh corallivore feces did not cause more frequent or larger lesions than sterilized corallivore feces. Thus, microbial activity in grazer/detritivore feces, but not corallivore feces, was harmful to corals. Characterization of bacterial diversity in feces of 10 reef fish species, ranging from obligate corallivores to grazer/detritivores, indicated that our experimental findings may be broadly generalizable to consumer guild, since feces of some obligate corallivores contained ~2-fold higher relative abundances of coral mutualist bacteria ( e.g., Endozoicomonadaceae), and lower abundances of the coral pathogen, Vibrio coralliilyticus , than feces of some grazer/detritivores. These findings recontextualize the ecological roles of consumers on coral reefs: although grazer/detritivores support coral reef health in various ways ( e.g. , promoting coral settlement and herbivory through the removal of detritus and sediments from the algal matrix), they also disperse coral pathogens. Corallivore predation can wound corals, yet their feces contain potentially beneficial coral-associated bacteria, supporting the hypothesized role of consumers, and corallivores in particular, in coral symbiont dispersal. Such consumer-mediated microbial dispersal as demonstrated here has broad implications for environmental management.more » « less
null (Ed.)Abstract Background The microbiomes of foundation (habitat-forming) species such as corals and sponges underpin the biodiversity, productivity, and stability of ecosystems. Consumers shape communities of foundation species through trophic interactions, but the role of consumers in dispersing the microbiomes of such species is rarely examined. For example, stony corals rely on a nutritional symbiosis with single-celled endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (family Symbiodiniaceae) to construct reefs. Most corals acquire Symbiodiniaceae from the environment, but the processes that make Symbiodiniaceae available for uptake are not resolved. Here, we provide the first comprehensive, reef-scale demonstration that predation by diverse coral-eating (corallivorous) fish species promotes the dispersal of Symbiodiniaceae, based on symbiont cell densities and community compositions from the feces of four obligate corallivores, three facultative corallivores, two grazer/detritivores as well as samples of reef sediment and water. Results Obligate corallivore feces are environmental hotspots of Symbiodiniaceae cells: live symbiont cell concentrations in such feces are 5–7 orders of magnitude higher than sediment and water environmental reservoirs. Symbiodiniaceae community compositions in the feces of obligate corallivores are similar to those in two locally abundant coral genera ( Pocillopora and Porites ), but differ from Symbiodiniaceae communities in the feces of facultative corallivores and grazer/detritivores as well as sediment and water. Combining our data on live Symbiodiniaceae cell densities in feces with in situ observations of fish, we estimate that some obligate corallivorous fish species release over 100 million Symbiodiniaceae cells per 100 m 2 of reef per day. Released corallivore feces came in direct contact with coral colonies in the fore reef zone following 91% of observed egestion events, providing a potential mechanism for the transfer of live Symbiodiniaceae cells among coral colonies. Conclusions Taken together, our findings show that fish predation on corals may support the maintenance of coral cover on reefs in an unexpected way: through the dispersal of beneficial coral symbionts in corallivore feces. Few studies examine the processes that make symbionts available to foundation species, or how environmental reservoirs of such symbionts are replenished. This work sets the stage for parallel studies of consumer-mediated microbiome dispersal and assembly in other sessile, habitat-forming species.more » « less
Abstract Consumers mediate nutrient cycling through excretion and egestion across most ecosystems. In nutrient‐poor tropical waters such as coral reefs, nutrient cycling is critical for maintaining productivity. While the cycling of fish‐derived inorganic nutrients via excretion has been extensively investigated, the role of egestion for nutrient cycling has remained poorly explored. We sampled the fecal contents of 570 individual fishes across 40 species, representing six dominant trophic guilds of coral reef fishes in Moorea, French Polynesia. We measured fecal macro‐ (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) and micro‐ (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc) nutrients and compared the fecal nutrient quantity and quality across trophic guilds, taxa, and body size. Macro‐ and micronutrient concentrations in fish feces varied markedly across species. Genera and trophic guild best predicted fecal nutrient concentrations. In addition, nutrient composition in feces was unique among species within both trophic guilds (herbivores and corallivores) and genera (
Acanthurus andChaetodon ). Particularly, certain coral reef fishes (e.g.,Thalassoma hardwicke ,Chromis xanthura ,Chaetodon pelewensis andAcanthurus pyroferus ) harbored relatively high concentrations of micronutrients (e.g., Mn, Mg, Zn and Fe, respectively) that are known to contribute to ocean productivity and positively impact coral physiological performances. Given the nutrient‐rich profiles across reef fish feces, conserving holistic reef fish communities ensures the availability of nutritional pools on coral reefs. We therefore suggest that better integration of consumer egestion dynamics into food web models and ecosystem‐scale processes will facilitate an improved understanding of coral reef functioning. -
null (Ed.)While studies show that nutrient pollution shifts reef trophic interactions between fish, macroalgae, and corals, we know less about how the microbiomes associated with these organisms react to such disturbances. To investigate how microbiome dynamics are affected during nutrient pollution, we exposed replicate Porites lobata corals colonized by the fish Stegastes nigricans, which farm an algal matrix on the coral, to a pulse of nutrient enrichment over a two-month period and examined the microbiome of each partner using 16S amplicon analysis. We found 51 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) shared among the three hosts. Coral microbiomes had the lowest diversity with over 98% of the microbiome dominated by a single genus, Endozoicomonas. Fish and algal matrix microbiomes were ~20 to 70× more diverse and had higher evenness compared to the corals. The addition of nutrients significantly increased species richness and community variability between samples of coral microbiomes but not the fish or algal matrix microbiomes, demonstrating that coral microbiomes are less resistant to nutrient pollution than their trophic partners. Furthermore, the 51 common ASVs within the 3 hosts indicate microbes that may be shared or transmitted between these closely associated organisms, including Vibrionaceae bacteria, many of which can be pathogenic to corals.more » « less
Abstract An understanding of the mechanistic drivers of animal‐microbial symbiosis and associations generally requires experiments that manipulate specific symbionts or microbial communities. As part of an ongoing study of the mechanisms that drive microbial communities in coral reef fishes, and specifically the role of cleanerfish in microbial transmission, we tested the effects of the commonly used antibiotics Enrofloxacin and Nitrofurazone on the skin microbiome of three ornamental reef fish species: the four‐eyed butterflyfish,
Chaetodon capistratus (Chaetodontidae), the cleanerfish neon gobyElacatinus oceanops (Gobiidae) and the beaugregory damselfishStegastes leucostictus (Pomacentridae). Our main aim was to characterize dysbiosis prompted by the delivery of the two antibiotics and understand whether both could be used to establish good starting points for microbial transmission experiments. We bathed the fish in antibiotic (or no exposure in the controls), sampled the skin microbiota via swabbing at zero (before treatment) and 3 and 7 days during the treatments, and examined the microbial community using a 16S rRNA gene sequencing approach. Nitrofurazone reduced skin‐associated microbial diversity in all species, whereas the same effect for Enrofloxacin was only seen inS. leucostictus . Although each antibiotic had its own, unique impact in microbial community, all treatments showed positive and negative shifts in the most abundant microbial taxa over time. Moreover, soon after the delivery of both antibiotics, increases in the abundance of opportunistic bacteria or potential pathogens, such asAlteromonas andVibrio , were observed. Although both antibiotics are effective, Nitrofurazone more successfully reduces microbial diversity and therefore may be more ideal for experiments seeking to disrupt fish microbiomes.