The systematics of humble-in-appearance brown spiders (“marronoids”), within a larger group of spiders with a modified retrolateral tibial apophysis (the RTA Clade), has long vexed arachnologists. Although not yet fully settled, recent phylogenomics has allowed the delimitation and phylogenetic relationships of families within marronoids to come into focus. Understanding relationships within these families still awaits more comprehensive generic-level sampling, as the majority of described marronoid genera remain unsampled for phylogenomic data. Here we conduct such an analysis in the family Cybaeidae Banks, 1892. We greatly increase generic-level sampling, assembling ultraconserved element (UCE) data for 18 of 22 described cybaeid genera, including all North American genera, and rigorously test family monophyly using a comprehensive outgroup taxon sample. We also conduct analyses of traditional Sanger loci, allowing curation of some previously published data. Our UCE phylogenomic results support the monophyly of recognized cybaeids, with strongly supported internal relationships, and evidence for five primary molecular subclades. We hypothesize potential morphological synapomorphies for most of these subclades, bringing a robust phylogenomic underpinning to cybaeid classification. A new cybaeid genus
We present a phylogenetic analysis of spiders using a dataset of 932 spider species, representing 115 families (only the family Synaphridae is unrepresented), 700 known genera, and additional representatives of 26 unidentified or undescribed genera. Eleven genera of the orders Amblypygi, Palpigradi, Schizomida and Uropygi are included as outgroups. The dataset includes six markers from the mitochondrial (12S, 16S,
- 10245804
- Author(s) / Creator(s):
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; more »
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Cladistics
- Volume:
- 33
- Issue:
- 6
- 0748-3007
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 574-616
- Size(s):
- p. 574-616
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Relationships among spider families that lack support through other lines of evidence (e.g., morphology) have recently been uncovered through molecular phylogenetics. One such group is the “marronoid” clade, which contains about 3,400 described species in 9 families. Marronoids run the gamut of life history strategies, with social species, species producing a variety of silk types, and species occurring in a range of extreme environments. Despite recognition of the ecological variability in the group, there remains uncertainty about family- level relationships, leaving diverse ecologies without an evolutionary context. The phylogenies produced to date have relatively low nodal support, there are few defined morphological synapomorphies, and the internal relationships of many families remain unclear. We use 93 exemplars from all marronoid families and ultraconserved element loci captured in silico from a combination of 48 novel low-coverage whole genomes and genomic data from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) to produce a 50% occupancy matrix of 1,277 loci from a set of ultraconserved element probes. These loci were used to infer a phylogeny of the marronoid clade and to evaluate the familial relationships within the clade, and were combined with single-locus (Sanger) legacy data to further increase taxonomic sampling. Our results indicate a clearly defined and well-supported marronoid clade and provide evidence for both monophyly and paraphyly within the currently defined families of the clade. We propose taxonomic changes in accordance with the resulting phylogenetic hypothesis, including elevating Cicurinidae (restored status) and Macrobunidae (new rank).
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Abstract The frenulum is a wing coupling structure that is found on the wings of most families of Lepidoptera. It is a single bristle or set of bristles that originate from the base of the hindwing that often interlocks with the forewing during flight. This wing coupling mechanism is thought to have been a major evolutionary innovation that allowed for enhanced flight in Lepidoptera. The sack‐bearer moths (Mimallonidae) are unusual among Lepidoptera in that not all species within the family have a frenulum. We test the hypothesis that the frenulum is not necessary and is therefore lost in mimallonids that have longer male forewings, because such wings are perhaps better suited to be coupled by other means. To understand the evolution of the frenulum, we inferred the most taxonomically and genetically sampled anchored hybrid enrichment‐based phylogeny of Mimallonidae, including 604 loci from all 41 genera and from 120 species, covering about 40% of the described species in the family. The maximum likelihood tree robustly supports major relationships within the family, and ancestral state reconstruction clearly recovers the frenulum as the plesiomorphic condition in Mimallonidae. Our results show that the frenulum is more often observed in species that have shorter, rather than longer, male forewings. The frenulum has historically been used as an important character for intrafamilial classification in Mimallonidae, but our results conclusively show that this character system is more variable than previously thought. Based on our results, we erect two new subfamilies, Roelofinae St Laurent & Kawahara,
subfam.n. and Meneviinae St Laurent, Herbin, & Kawahara,subfam.n. , for four genera previously consideredincertae sedis. In the predominantly frenulum‐lacking clade Cicinninae, we describe a new genus,Cerradocinnus St Laurent, Mielke, & Kawahara,gen.n. , and the genusGonogramma stat. rev. is revalidated to include many species previously placed inCicinnus sensu lato. With these changes,Cicinnus can now be considered monophyletic. Thirty‐three species are transferred toGonogramma fromCicinnus sensu lato.This published work has been registered on Zoobank,‐DA6A‐4814‐A312‐36CBAA168B8B .