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Title: How Long Can a Driver (Safely) Glance at an Augmented-Reality Head-Up Display?
Augmented-Reality (AR) head-up display (HUD) is one of the promising solutions to reduce distraction potential while driving and performing secondary visual tasks; however, we currently don’t know how to effectively evaluate interfaces in this area. In this study, we show that current visual distraction standards for evaluating in-vehicle displays may not be applicable for AR HUDs. We provide evidence that AR HUDs can afford longer glances with no decrement in driving performance. We propose that the selection of measurement methods for driver distraction research should be guided not only by the nature of the task under evaluation but also by the properties of the method itself.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
Page Range / eLocation ID:
42 to 46
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  2. null (Ed.)
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  3. null (Ed.)
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However, in terms of perceived workload, results suggest there is no significant difference between interface design conditions. Landmark knowledge results suggest that the mean number of remembered scenes among both conditions is statistically similar, indicating participants using both interface designs remembered the same proportion of on-route scenes. Deviance analysis show that only maneuver direction had an influence on landmark knowledge testing performance. Route knowledge results suggest that the proportion of scenes on-route which were correctly sequenced by participants is similar under both conditions. Finally, participants exhibited poorer performance in the route knowledge task as compared to landmark knowledge task (independent of HUD interface design). Conclusions: This study described a driving simulator study which evaluated the head-up provision of two types of AR navigation interface designs. 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