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Title: Performance Comparison of Fault-Tolerant Virtual Machine Placement Algorithms in Cloud Data Centers
Fault-tolerant virtual machine (VM) placement refers to the process of placing multiple copies of the same VM cloud application inside cloud data centers. The challenge is how to place required number of VM replicas while minimizing the number of physical machines (PMs) that store them, in order to save energy consumption of cloud data centers. We refer to it as fault-tolerant VM placement problem. In our previous work, we have proposed a greedy algorithm to solve this problem. In this paper, we compare it with an existing research that is based on well-known Welsh Powell Graph-Coloring Algorithm to place items into bins while considering the conflicts between items and items and items and bins. Via extensive simulations, we show that our greedy algorithm can turn off 40-50% more PMs than existing work and can place upto four times as many VM replicas as existing work, achieving much stronger fault-tolerance with less energy consumption. We also compare both algorithms with the optimal integer lin- ear programming (ILP)-based algorithm, which serves as the benchmark of the comparison.  more » « less
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the First Computer Science Conference for CSU Undergraduates (CSCSU 2021)
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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