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Title: A new efficient fully-decoupled and second-order time-accurate scheme for Cahn–Hilliard phase- eld model of three-phase incompressible flow
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Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  2. Purpose

    To develop a general phase regularized image reconstruction method, with applications to partial Fourier imaging, water–fat imaging and flow imaging.

    Theory and Methods

    The problem of enforcing phase constraints in reconstruction was studied under a regularized inverse problem framework. A general phase regularized reconstruction algorithm was proposed to enable various joint reconstruction of partial Fourier imaging, water–fat imaging and flow imaging, along with parallel imaging (PI) and compressed sensing (CS). Since phase regularized reconstruction is inherently non‐convex and sensitive to phase wraps in the initial solution, a reconstruction technique, named phase cycling, was proposed to render the overall algorithm invariant to phase wraps. The proposed method was applied to retrospectively under‐sampled in vivo datasets and compared with state of the art reconstruction methods.


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  3. The optical phaseϕ<#comment/>is a key quantity in the physics of light propagating through a turbulent medium. In certain respects, however, the statistics of the phasefactor,ψ<#comment/>=exp⁡<#comment/>(iϕ<#comment/>), are more relevant than the statistics of the phase itself. Here, we present a theoretical analysis of the 2D phase-factor spectrumFψ<#comment/>(κ<#comment/>)of a random phase screen. We apply the theory to four types of phase screens, each characterized by a power-law phase structure function,Dϕ<#comment/>(r)=(r/rc)γ<#comment/>(wherercis the phase coherence length defined byDϕ<#comment/>(rc)=1rad2), and a probability density functionpα<#comment/>(α<#comment/>)of the phase increments for a given spatial lag. We analyze phase screens with turbulent (γ<#comment/>=5/3) and quadratic (γ<#comment/>=2) phase structure functions and with normally distributed (i.e., Gaussian) versus Laplacian phase increments. We find that there is a pronounced bump in each of the four phase-factor spectraFψ<#comment/>(κ<#comment/>). The precise location and shape of the bump are different for the four phase-screen types, but in each case it occurs atκ<#comment/>∼<#comment/>1/rc. The bump is unrelated to the well-known “Hill bump” and is not caused by diffraction effects. It is solely a characteristic of the refractive-index statistics represented by the respective phase screen. We show that the second-orderψ<#comment/>statistics (covariance function, structure function, and spectrum) characterize a random phase screen more completely than the second-orderϕ<#comment/>counterparts.

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  4. We proposed a Wollaston-prism-based snapshot phase-shifting diffraction phase microscope (WP-SPDPM) for low-coherence snapshot quantitative phase imaging and videography. Wollaston prism separates two orthogonally linearly polarized beams with high degrees of polarization at a sufficiently small separation angle; one of the beams passing through a pinhole serves as the reference beam. Four phase-shifted interferograms are simultaneously acquired with a polarization camera to accurately retrieve a high spatial resolution phase map. The system is nearly common-path in configuration and can achieve a large slope range and high accuracy. In addition to the ability to resist environmental noise, the WP-SPDPM is suitable for phase measurement using low-coherence light. The accuracy and large measurable slope range of the proposed system is validated and compared experimentally with a commercial profilometer. We believe WP-SPDPM is a powerful tool for the accurate and robust quantitative phase measurement and has a significant potential of the real-time phase imaging. 
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