We consider the bandit problem of selecting K out of N arms at each time step. The joint reward can be a non-linear function of the rewards of the selected individual arms. The direct use of a multi-armed bandit algorithm requires choosing among all possible combinations, making the action space large. To simplify the problem, existing works on combinatorial bandits typically assume feedback as a linear function of individual rewards. In this paper, we prove the lower bound for top-K subset selection with bandit feedback with possibly correlated rewards. We present a novel algorithm for the combinatorial setting without using individual arm feedback or requiring linearity of the reward function. Additionally, our algorithm works on correlated rewards of individual arms. Our algorithm, aDaptive Accept RejecT (DART), sequentially finds good arms and eliminates bad arms based on confidence bounds. DART is computationally efficient and uses storage linear in N. Further, DART achieves a regret bound of Õ(K√KNT) for a time horizon T, which matches the lower bound in bandit feedback up to a factor of √log 2NT. When applied to the problem of cross-selling optimization and maximizing the mean of individual rewards, the performance of the proposed algorithm surpasses that of state-of-the-art algorithms. We also show that DART significantly outperforms existing methods for both linear and non-linear joint reward environments.
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Stochastic Top-$K$ Subset Bandits with Linear Space and Non-Linear Feedback
Many real-world problems like Social Influence Maximization face the dilemma of choosing the best $K$ out of $N$ options at a given time instant. This setup can be modeled as a combinatorial bandit which chooses $K$ out of $N$ arms at each time, with an aim to achieve an efficient trade-off between exploration and exploitation. This is the first work for combinatorial bandits where the feedback received can be a non-linear function of the chosen $K$ arms. The direct use of multi-armed bandit requires choosing among $N$-choose-$K$ options making the state space large. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm which is computationally efficient and the storage is linear in $N$. The proposed algorithm is a divide-and-conquer based strategy, that we call CMAB-SM. Further, the proposed algorithm achieves a \textit{regret bound} of $\tilde O(K^{\frac{1}{2}}N^{\frac{1}{3}}T^{\frac{2}{3}})$ for a time horizon $T$, which is \textit{sub-linear} in all parameters $T$, $N$, and $K$.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1742847
- 10309321
- Editor(s):
- Feldman, Vitaly; Ligett, Katrina; Sabato, Sivan
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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