We experimentally demonstrate long-wavelength-infrared (LWIR) femtosecond filamentation in solids. Systematic investigations of supercontinuum (SC) generation and self-compression of the LWIR pulses assisted by laser filamentation are performed in bulk KrS-5 and ZnSe, pumped by
- Award ID(s):
- 1707237
- 10313382
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- High Power Laser Science and Engineering
- Volume:
- 9
- 2095-4719
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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, 9 µm, 10 µJ pulses from an optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier operating at 10 kHz of repetition rate. Multi-octave SC spectra are demonstrated in both materials. While forming stable single filament, 1.5 cycle LWIR pulses with 4.5 µJ output pulse energy are produced via soliton-like self-compression in a 5 mm thick KrS-5. The experimental results quantitatively agree well with the numerical simulation based on the unidirectional pulse propagation equation. This work shows the experimental feasibility of high-energy, near-single-cycle LWIR light bullet generation in solids. -
We model laser filamentation in ZnSe in the mid-infrared (Mid-IR, wavelengths λ = 4 and 6 μm) and the long-wavelength infrared (LWIR, λ = 8 and 10 μm) using carrier-resolved unidirectional pulse propagation equations (UPPE). We predict an unprecedented propagation regime at λ = 8 μm that supports light bullets, which are spatio-temporally non-spreading electromagnetic pulses. Furthermore, in contrast to the previous report in air in the mid-IR, we predict that LWIR light bullets in solids critically rely on plasma-mediated dispersion, which dynamically evolves during multiphoton and tunneling ionization as peak plasma densities reach ρ 6.6 ×10^18 cm-3 . Finally, the plasma-assisted light bullets propagate with sub-cycle pulse durations and peak intensities I = 1.1 ×10^12 W /cm^2 , making them useful for high-harmonic generation and attosecond pulse generation.more » « less
We report a systematic investigation into the processes behind a near hundred-fold enhanced second harmonic wave generated from a laser-induced air plasma, by examining the temporal dynamics of the frequency conversion processes, and the polarization of the emitted second harmonic beam. Contrary to typical nonlinear optical processes, the enhanced second harmonic generation efficiency is only observed within a sub-picosecond time window and found to be nearly constant across fundamental pulse durations spanning from 0.1 ps to over 2 ps. We further demonstrate that with the adopted orthogonal pump–probe configuration, the polarization of the second harmonic field exhibits a complex dependence on the polarization of both input fundamental beams, contrasting with most of the previous experiments with a single-beam geometry.
Attosecond pulses formed by high order harmonics (HHs) of an infrared (IR) laser field is a powerful tool for studying and controlling ultrafast dynamics of electrons in atoms, molecules and solids at its intrinsic time-scale. However, in the X-ray range the energy of attosecond pulses is rather limited. Their amplification is an important but very challenging problem since none of the existing amplifiers can support the corresponding PHz bandwidth. In our previous work [1] we proposed a method for the attosecond pulse amplification in hydrogen-like active medium of a recombination plasma-based X-ray laser dressed by a replica of the fundamental frequency IR field used for the HH generation. Due to the IRfield-induced sub-laser-cycle Stark shift and splitting of the lasing energy levels the gain of the active medium is redistributed over the combination frequencies, separated from the resonance by even multiples of the frequency of the IR field. If the incident HHs forming an attosecond pulse train are tuned in resonance with the induced gain lines and the active plasma medium is strongly dispersive for the modulating IR field, then during the amplification the relative phases of harmonics and (under the optimal choice of the IR field strength) the shape of the amplified pulses will be preserved. In the present work we show the possibility of boosting the efficiency of HH amplification by modulating the active medium of an X-ray laser with the second harmonic of the fundamental frequency IR field. We show that under the action of a laser field (with arbitrary frequency) the gain redistribution occurs not only over the even combination frequencies discussed in [1], but also over the odd frequencies separated from the resonance by odd multiples of the laser frequency. Besides, nearly half of the medium gain is contained in the even induced gain lines, and nearly half in the odd. If the modulating field is the second harmonic of the IR field, used for the generation the HHs and attosecond pulses, then the seeding HHs can be tuned in resonance with both even and odd gain lines simultaneously, which will make the overall gain much higher as compared to the previously considered case of the fundamental frequency modulating field (when only the even gain lines play the role). By the example of the C5+ X-ray laser with 3.38 nm wavelength of the inverted transition we show the possibility of increasing the efficiency of 430 as pulse amplification by 8.5 times when the active medium is modulated with the second harmonic of the fundamental frequency IR field with wavelength 2.1 µm.more » « less
We propose a new approach to supercontinuum generation and carrier-envelope-offset detection based on saturated second-order nonlinear interactions in dispersion-engineered nanowaveguides. The technique developed here broadens the interacting harmonics by forming stable bifurcations of the pulse envelopes due to an interplay between phase-mismatch and pump depletion. We first present an intuitive heuristic model for spectral broadening by second-harmonic generation of femtosecond pulses and show that this model agrees well with experiments. Then, having established strong agreement between theory and experiment, we develop scaling laws that determine the energy required to generate an octave of bandwidth as a function of input pulse duration, device length, and input pulse chirp. These scaling laws suggest that future realization based on this approach could enable supercontinuum generation with orders of magnitude less energy than current state-of-the-art devices.