- Award ID(s):
- 1945652
- 10324443
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning
- Volume:
- 139
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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For an $r$-uniform hypergraph $H$, let $\nu^{(m)}(H)$ denote the maximum size of a set $M$ of edges in $H$ such that every two edges in $M$ intersect in less than $m$ vertices, and let $\tau^{(m)}(H)$ denote the minimum size of a collection $C$ of $m$-sets of vertices such that every edge in $H$ contains an element of $C$. The fractional analogues of these parameters are denoted by $\nu^{*(m)}(H)$ and $\tau^{*(m)}(H)$, respectively. Generalizing a famous conjecture of Tuza on covering triangles in a graph, Aharoni and Zerbib conjectured that for every $r$-uniform hypergraph $H$, $\tau^{(r-1)}(H)/\nu^{(r-1)}(H) \leq \lceil{\frac{r+1}{2}}\rceil$. In this paper we prove bounds on the ratio between the parameters $\tau^{(m)}$ and $\nu^{(m)}$, and their fractional analogues. Our main result is that, for every $r$-uniform hypergraph~$H$,\[ \tau^{*(r-1)}(H)/\nu^{(r-1)}(H) \le \begin{cases} \frac{3}{4}r - \frac{r}{4(r+1)} &\text{for }r\text{ even,}\\\frac{3}{4}r - \frac{r}{4(r+2)} &\text{for }r\text{ odd.} \\\end{cases} \]This improves the known bound of $r-1$.We also prove that, for every $r$-uniform hypergraph $H$, $\tau^{(m)}(H)/\nu^{*(m)}(H) \le \operatorname{ex}_m(r, m+1)$, where the Turán number $\operatorname{ex}_r(n, k)$ is the maximum number of edges in an $r$-uniform hypergraph on $n$ vertices that does not contain a copy of the complete $r$-uniform hypergraph on $k$ vertices. Finally, we prove further bounds in the special cases $(r,m)=(4,2)$ and $(r,m)=(4,3)$.more » « less
The classic graphical Cheeger inequalities state that if $M$ is an $n\times n$ \emph{symmetric} doubly stochastic matrix, then \[ \frac{1-\lambda_{2}(M)}{2}\leq\phi(M)\leq\sqrt{2\cdot(1-\lambda_{2}(M))} \] where $\phi(M)=\min_{S\subseteq[n],|S|\leq n/2}\left(\frac{1}{|S|}\sum_{i\in S,j\not\in S}M_{i,j}\right)$ is the edge expansion of $M$, and $\lambda_{2}(M)$ is the second largest eigenvalue of $M$. We study the relationship between $\phi(A)$ and the spectral gap $1-\re\lambda_{2}(A)$ for \emph{any} doubly stochastic matrix $A$ (not necessarily symmetric), where $\lambda_{2}(A)$ is a nontrivial eigenvalue of $A$ with maximum real part. Fiedler showed that the upper bound on $\phi(A)$ is unaffected, i.e., $\phi(A)\leq\sqrt{2\cdot(1-\re\lambda_{2}(A))}$. With regards to the lower bound on $\phi(A)$, there are known constructions with \[ \phi(A)\in\Theta\left(\frac{1-\re\lambda_{2}(A)}{\log n}\right), \] indicating that at least a mild dependence on $n$ is necessary to lower bound $\phi(A)$. In our first result, we provide an \emph{exponentially} better construction of $n\times n$ doubly stochastic matrices $A_{n}$, for which \[ \phi(A_{n})\leq\frac{1-\re\lambda_{2}(A_{n})}{\sqrt{n}}. \] In fact, \emph{all} nontrivial eigenvalues of our matrices are $0$, even though the matrices are highly \emph{nonexpanding}. We further show that this bound is in the correct range (up to the exponent of $n$), by showing that for any doubly stochastic matrix $A$, \[ \phi(A)\geq\frac{1-\re\lambda_{2}(A)}{35\cdot n}. \] As a consequence, unlike the symmetric case, there is a (necessary) loss of a factor of $n^{\alpha}$ for $\frac{1}{2}\leq\alpha\leq1$ in lower bounding $\phi$ by the spectral gap in the nonsymmetric setting. Our second result extends these bounds to general matrices $R$ with nonnegative entries, to obtain a two-sided \emph{gapped} refinement of the Perron-Frobenius theorem. Recall from the Perron-Frobenius theorem that for such $R$, there is a nonnegative eigenvalue $r$ such that all eigenvalues of $R$ lie within the closed disk of radius $r$ about $0$. Further, if $R$ is irreducible, which means $\phi(R)>0$ (for suitably defined $\phi$), then $r$ is positive and all other eigenvalues lie within the \textit{open} disk, so (with eigenvalues sorted by real part), $\re\lambda_{2}(R)
more » « less Abstract We study the problem of estimating a $k$-sparse signal ${\boldsymbol \beta }_{0}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{p}$ from a set of noisy observations $\mathbf{y}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{n}$ under the model $\mathbf{y}=\mathbf{X}{\boldsymbol \beta }+w$, where $\mathbf{X}\in{\mathbb{R}}^{n\times p}$ is the measurement matrix the row of which is drawn from distribution $N(0,{\boldsymbol \varSigma })$. We consider the class of $L_{q}$-regularized least squares (LQLS) given by the formulation $\hat{{\boldsymbol \beta }}(\lambda )=\text{argmin}_{{\boldsymbol \beta }\in{\mathbb{R}}^{p}}\frac{1}{2}\|\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}{\boldsymbol \beta }\|^{2}_{2}+\lambda \|{\boldsymbol \beta }\|_{q}^{q}$, where $\|\cdot \|_{q}$ $(0\le q\le 2)$ denotes the $L_{q}$-norm. In the setting $p,n,k\rightarrow \infty $ with fixed $k/p=\epsilon $ and $n/p=\delta $, we derive the asymptotic risk of $\hat{{\boldsymbol \beta }}(\lambda )$ for arbitrary covariance matrix ${\boldsymbol \varSigma }$ that generalizes the existing results for standard Gaussian design, i.e. $X_{ij}\overset{i.i.d}{\sim }N(0,1)$. The results were derived from the non-rigorous replica method. We perform a higher-order analysis for LQLS in the small-error regime in which the first dominant term can be used to determine the phase transition behavior of LQLS. Our results show that the first dominant term does not depend on the covariance structure of ${\boldsymbol \varSigma }$ in the cases $0\le q\lt 1$ and $1\lt q\le 2,$ which indicates that the correlations among predictors only affect the phase transition curve in the case $q=1$ a.k.a. LASSO. To study the influence of the covariance structure of ${\boldsymbol \varSigma }$ on the performance of LQLS in the cases $0\le q\lt 1$ and $1\lt q\le 2$, we derive the explicit formulas for the second dominant term in the expansion of the asymptotic risk in terms of small error. Extensive computational experiments confirm that our analytical predictions are consistent with numerical results.
Existing parallel algorithms for wavelet tree construction have a work complexity of $O(n\log\sigma)$. This paper presents parallel algorithms for the problem with improved work complexity. Our first algorithm is based on parallel integer sorting and has either $O(n\log\log n\lceil\log\sigma/\sqrt{\log n\log\log n}\rceil)$ work and polylogarithmic depth, or $O(n\lceil\log\sigma/\sqrt{\log n}\rceil)$ work and sub-linear depth. We also describe another algorithm that has $O(n\lceil\log\sigma/\sqrt{\log n} \rceil)$ work and $O(\sigma+\log n)$ depth. We then show how to use similar ideas to construct variants of wavelet trees (arbitrary-shaped binary trees and multiary trees) as well as wavelet matrices in parallel with lower work complexity than prior algorithms. Finally, we show that the rank and select structures on binary sequences and multiary sequences, which are stored on wavelet tree nodes, can be constructed in parallel with improved work bounds, matching those of the best existing sequential algorithms for constructing rank and select structures.more » « lessConsider the linear transport equation in 1D under an external confining potential
:\begin{document}$ \Phi $\end{document} \begin{document}$ \begin{equation*} {\partial}_t f + v {\partial}_x f - {\partial}_x \Phi {\partial}_v f = 0. \end{equation*} $\end{document} For
(with\begin{document}$ \Phi = \frac {x^2}2 + \frac { \varepsilon x^4}2 $\end{document} small), we prove phase mixing and quantitative decay estimates for\begin{document}$ \varepsilon >0 $\end{document} , with an inverse polynomial decay rate\begin{document}$ {\partial}_t \varphi : = - \Delta^{-1} \int_{ \mathbb{R}} {\partial}_t f \, \mathrm{d} v $\end{document} . In the proof, we develop a commuting vector field approach, suitably adapted to this setting. We will explain why we hope this is relevant for the nonlinear stability of the zero solution for the Vlasov–Poisson system in\begin{document}$ O({\langle} t{\rangle}^{-2}) $\end{document} D under the external potential\begin{document}$ 1 $\end{document} .\begin{document}$ \Phi $\end{document}