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Title: Tropical cyclone storm surge probabilities for the east coast of the United States: a cyclone-based perspective
Abstract. To improve our understanding of the influence of tropicalcyclones (TCs) on coastal flooding, the relationships between storm surgeand TC characteristics are analyzed for 12 sites along the east coast of theUnited States. This analysis offers a unique perspective by first examiningthe relationship between the characteristics of TCs and their resultingstorm surge and then determining the probabilities of storm surge associatedwith TCs based on exceeding certain TC characteristic thresholds. Usingobservational data, the statistical dependencies of storm surge on TCs areexamined for these characteristics: TC proximity, intensity, path angle, andpropagation speed, by applying both exponential and linear fits to the data.At each tide gauge along the east coast of the United States, storm surge isinfluenced differently by these TC characteristics, with some locations morestrongly influenced by TC intensity and others by TC proximity. Thecorrelation for individual and combined TC characteristics increases whenconditional sorting is applied to isolate strong TCs close to a location.The probabilities of TCs generating surge exceeding specific return levels(RLs) are then analyzed for TCs passing within 500 km of a tide gauge, wherebetween 6 % and 28 % of TCs were found to cause surge exceeding the1-year RL. If only the closest and strongest TCs are considered, thepercentage of TCs that generate surge exceeding the 1-year RL is between 30 % and 70 % at sites north of Sewell's Point, VA, and over 65 % atalmost all sites south of Charleston, SC. When examining storm surgeproduced by TCs, single-variable regression provides a good fit, whilemulti-variable regression improves the fit, particularly when focusing on TCproximity and intensity, which are, probabilistically, the two mostinfluential TC characteristics on storm surge.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
1854896 1854773
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Page Range / eLocation ID:
1287 to 1300
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    Significant Statement

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