Heterotrophic bacteria in the ocean invest carbon, nitrogen, and energy in extracellular enzymes to hydrolyze large substrates to smaller sizes suitable for uptake. Since hydrolysis products produced outside of a cell may be lost to diffusion, the return on this investment is uncertain. Selfish bacteria change the odds in their favor by binding, partially hydrolyzing, and transporting polysaccharides into the periplasmic space without loss of hydrolysis products. We expected selfish bacteria to be most common in the upper ocean, where phytoplankton produce abundant fresh organic matter, including complex polysaccharides. We, therefore, sampled water in the western North Atlantic Ocean at four depths from three stations differing in physiochemical conditions; these stations and depths also differed considerably in microbial community composition. To our surprise, we found that selfish bacteria are common throughout the water column of the ocean, including at depths greater than 5500 m. Selfish uptake as a strategy thus appears to be geographically—and phylogenetically—widespread. Since processing and uptake of polysaccharides require enzymes that are highly sensitive to substrate structure, the activities of these bacteria might not be reflected by measurements relying on uptake only of low molecular weight substrates. Moreover, even at the bottom of the ocean, the supply of structurally-intact polysaccharides, and therefore the return on enzymatic investment, must be sufficient to maintain these organisms.
- 10338564
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Environmental Microbiology Reports
- 1758-2229
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract Heterotrophic bacteria hydrolyze high molecular weight (HMW) organic matter extracellularly prior to uptake, resulting in diffusive loss of hydrolysis products. An alternative ‘selfish’ uptake mechanism that minimises this loss has recently been found to be common in the ocean. We investigated how HMW organic matter addition affects these two processing mechanisms in surface and bottom waters at three stations in the North Atlantic Ocean. A pulse of HMW organic matter increased cell numbers, as well as the rate and spectrum of extracellular enzymatic activities at both depths. The effects on selfish uptake were more differentiated: in Gulf Stream surface waters and productive surface waters south of Newfoundland, selfish uptake of structurally simple polysaccharides increased upon HMW organic matter addition. The number of selfish bacteria taking up structurally complex polysaccharides, however, was largely unchanged. In contrast, in the oligotrophic North Atlantic gyre, despite high external hydrolysis rates, the number of selfish bacteria was unchanged, irrespective of polysaccharide structure. In deep bottom waters (> 4000 m), structurally complex substrates were processed only by selfish bacteria. Mechanisms of substrate processing—and the extent to which hydrolysis products are released to the external environment—depend on substrate structural complexity and the resident bacterial community.
Summary Spring phytoplankton blooms in temperate environments contribute disproportionately to global marine productivity. Bloom‐derived organic matter, much of it occurring as polysaccharides, fuels biogeochemical cycles driven by interacting autotrophic and heterotrophic communities. We tracked changes in the mode of polysaccharide utilization by heterotrophic bacteria during the course of a diatom‐dominated bloom in the German Bight, North Sea. Polysaccharides can be taken up in a ‘selfish’ mode, where initial hydrolysis is coupled to transport into the periplasm, such that little to no low‐molecular weight (LMW) products are externally released to the environment. Alternatively, polysaccharides hydrolyzed by cell‐surface attached or free extracellular enzymes (external hydrolysis) yield LMW products available to the wider bacterioplankton community. In the early bloom phase, selfish activity was accompanied by low extracellular hydrolysis rates of a few polysaccharides. As the bloom progressed, selfish uptake increased markedly, and external hydrolysis rates increased, but only for a limited range of substrates. The late bloom phase was characterized by high external hydrolysis rates of a broad range of polysaccharides and reduced selfish uptake of polysaccharides, except for laminarin. Substrate utilization mode is related both to substrate structural complexity and to the bloom‐stage dependent composition of the heterotrophic bacterial community.
null (Ed.)Primary productivity occurs throughout the deep euphotic zone of the oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre (SPG), fueled largely by the regeneration of nutrients and thus recycling of organic matter. We investigated the heterotrophic capabilities of the SPG’s bacterial communities by examining their ability to process polysaccharides, an important component of marine organic matter. We focused on the initial step of organic matter degradation by measuring the activities of extracellular enzymes that hydrolyze six different polysaccharides to smaller sizes. This process can occur by two distinct mechanisms: “selfish uptake,” in which initial hydrolysis is coupled to transport of large polysaccharide fragments into the periplasmic space of bacteria, with little to no loss of hydrolysis products to the external environment, and “external hydrolysis,” in which low molecular weight (LMW) hydrolysis products are produced in the external environment. Given the oligotrophic nature of the SPG, we did not expect high enzymatic activity; however, we found that all six polysaccharides were hydrolyzed externally and taken up selfishly in the central SPG, observations that may be linked to a comparatively high abundance of diatoms at the depth and location sampled (75 m). At the edge of the gyre and close to the center of the gyre, four of six polysaccharides were externally hydrolyzed, and a lower fraction of the bacterial community showed selfish uptake. One polysaccharide (fucoidan) was selfishly taken up without measurable external hydrolysis at two stations. Additional incubations of central gyre water from depths of 1,250 and 2,800 m with laminarin (an abundant polysaccharide in the ocean) led to extreme growth of opportunistic bacteria ( Alteromonas) , as tracked by cell counts and next generation sequencing of the bacterial communities. These Alteromonas appear to concurrently selfishly take up laminarin and release LMW hydrolysis products. Overall, extracellular enzyme activities in the SPG were similar to activities in non-oligotrophic regions, and a considerable fraction of the community was capable of selfish uptake at all three stations. A diverse set of bacteria responded to and are potentially important for the recycling of organic matter in the SPG.more » « less
Glass, Jennifer B. (Ed.)ABSTRACT Microbe-mediated transformations of arsenic (As) often require As to be taken up into cells prior to enzymatic reaction. Despite the importance of these microbial reactions for As speciation and toxicity, understanding of how As bioavailability and uptake are regulated by aspects of extracellular water chemistry, notably dissolved organic matter (DOM), remains limited. Whole-cell biosensors utilizing fluorescent proteins are increasingly used for high-throughput quantification of the bioavailable fraction of As in water. Here, we present a mathematical framework for interpreting the time series of biosensor fluorescence as a measure of As uptake kinetics, which we used to evaluate the effects of different forms of DOM on uptake of trivalent arsenite. We found that thiol-containing organic compounds significantly inhibited uptake of arsenite into cells, possibly through the formation of aqueous complexes between arsenite and thiol ligands. While there was no evidence for competitive interactions between arsenite and low-molecular-weight neutral molecules (urea, glycine, and glyceraldehyde) for uptake through the aquaglyceroporin channel GlpF, which mediates transport of arsenite across cell membranes, there was evidence that labile DOM fractions may inhibit arsenite uptake through a catabolite repression-like mechanism. The observation of significant inhibition of arsenite uptake at DOM/As ratios commonly encountered in wetland pore waters suggests that DOM may be an important control on the microbial uptake of arsenite in the environment, with aspects of DOM quality playing an important role in the extent of inhibition. IMPORTANCE The speciation and toxicity of arsenic in environments like rice paddy soils and groundwater aquifers are controlled by microbe-mediated reactions. These reactions often require As to be taken up into cells prior to enzymatic reaction, but there is limited understanding of how microbial arsenic uptake is affected by variations in water chemistry. In this study, we explored the effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) quantity and quality on microbial As uptake, with a focus on the role of thiol functional groups that are well known to form aqueous complexes with arsenic. We developed a quantitative framework for interpreting fluorescence time series from whole-cell biosensors and used this technique to evaluate effects of DOM on the rates of microbial arsenic uptake. We show that thiol-containing compounds significantly decrease rates of As uptake into microbial cells at environmentally relevant DOM/As ratios, revealing the importance of DOM quality in regulating arsenic uptake, and subsequent biotransformation, in the environment.more » « less