We compute the 2‐adic effective slice spectral sequence (ESSS) for the motivic stable homotopy groups of , a motivic analogue of the connective ‐local sphere over prime fields of characteristic not two. Together with the analogous computation over algebraically closed fields, this yields information about the motivic ‐local sphere over arbitrary base fields of characteristic not two. To compute the spectral sequence, we prove several results that may be of independent interest. We describe the ‐differentials in the slice spectral sequence in terms of the motivic Steenrod operations over general base fields, building on analogous results of Ananyevskiy, Röndigs, and Østvær for the very effective cover of Hermitian K‐theory. We also explicitly describe the coefficients of certain motivic Eilenberg–MacLane spectra and compute the ESSS for the very effective cover of Hermitian K‐theory over prime fields.
Cohomological Invariants in Positive Characteristic
Abstract We determine the mod $p$ cohomological invariants for several affine group schemes $G$ in characteristic $p$. These are invariants of $G$-torsors with values in étale motivic cohomology, or equivalently in Kato’s version of Galois cohomology based on differential forms. In particular, we find the mod 2 cohomological invariants for the symmetric groups and the orthogonal groups in characteristic 2, which Serre computed in characteristic not 2. We also determine all operations on the mod $p$ étale motivic cohomology of fields, extending Vial’s computation of the operations on the mod $p$ Milnor K-theory of fields.
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- 10338868
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- International Mathematics Research Notices
- Volume:
- 2022
- Issue:
- 9
- 1073-7928
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 7152 to 7201
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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