- Award ID(s):
- 1813903
- 10338879
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- International journal of educational research
- Volume:
- 104
- 0883-0355
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Posing questions is a direct way for teachers to push students to verbalize justifications and make connections among ideas, but this skill is difficult to learn. We recruited four pre-service special education teachers to participate in a semester-long professional development focused on developing mathematics knowledge and asking questions, while concurrently providing 1-1 tutoring to students with learning disabilities. The pre-service teachers increased their frequency of questions overall and of questions that probed students’ thinking or explored mathematical relationships. The pre-service teachers also developed strategies for shifting among different types of questions when students struggled. The findings of this study illustrate the potential for pre-service teachers to develop questioning routines that challenge students while scaffolding their progress towards new understanding.more » « less
Abstract Questioning is a critical instructional strategy for teachers to support students’ knowledge construction in inquiry-oriented science teaching. Existing literature has delineated the characteristics and functions of effective questioning strategies. However, attention has been primarily cast on the format of questioning like open-ended questions in prompting student interactions or class discourses, but not much on science content embedded in questions and how they guide students toward learning objectives. Insufficient attention has been cast on the connection between a chain of questions used by a teacher in the attempt to scaffold student conceptual understanding, especially when students encounter difficulties. Furthermore, existing methods of question analysis from massive information of class discourses are unwieldy for large-scale analysis. Science teacher education needs an instrument to assess a large sample of Pre-service Teachers’ (PST) competencies of not only asking open-ended questions to solicit students’ thoughts but also analyzing the information collected from students’ responses and determining the logical of consecutive responses. This study presented such an instrument for analyzing patterns of 60 PST’s questioning chains from when they taught a science lesson during a methods course and another lesson during student teaching. Cohen’s Kappa was conducted to examine the inter-rater reliability of the coders. The PST’s orientations from the two videos were determined and the correlation between them was compared to test the validity of this instrument. Consideration of the data from this instrument identified patterns of the PSTs’ science teaching, discussed the importance of guiding questions in inquiry teaching, and suggested quantitative studies with this instrument.
Calls for a “practice-based” approach to teacher education have become common in scholarship on teacher education, and preservice-teaching (PST) mathematics programs are increasingly heeding this call. Practice-based teacher education (PBTE) moves beyond standard approaches to teacher education in which PSTs learn about teaching in ways they are then expected to apply in practice and toward an approach that provides PSTs opportunities to gain experience in particular core practices in ways that approximate enactment in the classroom. A growing body of research suggests that teachers’ responses, including the questions they ask, can help students’ develop content knowledge and proficiency in mathematics and science practices in the classroom. However, despite evidence that PSTs can notice students’ thinking in various activities in their preparation programs, it is not clear that they are sufficiently well-prepared to propose quality responses before entering the classroom. In this paper, we describe two different approaches that we have taken to provide support for quality teacher questioning in the LessonSketch environment. From our results, we develop a hypothesis that a pedagogical approach that primes novices to notice model questioning can support a stance of focusing on the substance of students’ thinking and probing rather than guiding students’ thinking in their proposed questions.more » « less
This study shares two frameworks for analyzing teacher actions that support students in generalizing and examines how those frameworks align with teacher questioning. One classroom teaching episode focused on the mathematical activity of generalizing is shared to illustrate effective generalizing promoting practices. We found several patterns of productive and unproductive generalizing promoting actions and questioning. Repeating generalizing promoting actions in succession were needed to produce student generalizations. Priming actions that set up for later generalizing promoting were helpful when students struggled to identify and state generalizations. Connection questions promoted generalizing, but justification and concept questions did not. Further research will explore the additional strategies to support teachers in fostering student-created generalizations.more » « less
Posing questions is a direct way for teachers to push students to verbalize justifications and make connections among ideas—a crucial component of giving students with learning disabilities access to high levels of mathematical reasoning—but this skill is difficult to learn. We recruited four pre-service special education teachers to provide 1-1 algebra tutoring to students with learning disabilities while receiving instruction related to posing mathematics questions and supporting students’ reasoning. The pre-service teachers increased their frequency of questions overall and of questions that probed students’ thinking or explored mathematical relationships. Students gave correct and complete responses to these more complex questions approximately half of the time; however, pre-service teachers most often reduced the complexity of their questions when students gave incomplete responses. The findings of this study illustrate the potential for pre-service special education teachers to develop questioning routines that engage students with learning disabilities in mathematical reasoning while scaffolding their progress toward new understanding.