This work examines the deep disconnect between existing theoretical analyses of gradient-based algorithms and the practice of training deep neural networks. Specifically, we provide numerical evidence that in large-scale neural network training (e.g., ImageNet + ResNet101, and WT103 + TransformerXL models), the neural network’s weights do not converge to stationary points where the gradient of the loss is zero. Remarkably, however, we observe that even though the weights do not converge to stationary points, the progress in minimizing the loss function halts and training loss stabilizes. Inspired by this observation, we propose a new perspective based on ergodic theory of dynamical systems to explain it. Rather than studying the evolution of weights, we study the evolution of the distribution of weights. We prove convergence of the distribution of weights to an approximate invariant measure, thereby explaining how the training loss can stabilize without weights necessarily converging to stationary points. We further discuss how this perspective can better align optimization theory with empirical observations in machine learning practice.
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When Expressivity Meets Trainability: Fewer than n Neurons Can Work
Modern neural networks are often quite wide, causing large memory and computation
costs. It is thus of great interest to train a narrower network. However,
training narrow neural nets remains a challenging task. We ask two theoretical
questions: Can narrow networks have as strong expressivity as wide ones? If so,
does the loss function exhibit a benign optimization landscape? In this work, we
provide partially affirmative answers to both questions for 1-hidden-layer networks
with fewer than n (sample size) neurons when the activation is smooth. First, we
prove that as long as the width m>=2n=d (where d is the input dimension), its
expressivity is strong, i.e., there exists at least one global minimizer with zero
training loss. Second, we identify a nice local region with no local-min or saddle
points. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether gradient descent can stay in this nice region.
Third, we consider a constrained optimization formulation where the feasible
region is the nice local region, and prove that every KKT point is a nearly global
minimizer. It is expected that projected gradient methods converge to KKT points
under mild technical conditions, but we leave the rigorous convergence analysis
to future work. Thorough numerical results show that projected gradient methods
on this constrained formulation significantly outperform SGD for training narrow
neural nets.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1727757
- 10341621
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Advances in neural information processing systems
- 1049-5258
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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