- Award ID(s):
- 2029933
- 10341660
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Frontiers in Plant Science
- Volume:
- 13
- 1664-462X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)RNAs transmit information from DNA to encode proteins that perform all cellular processes and regulate gene expression in multiple ways. From the time of synthesis to degradation, RNA molecules are associated with proteins called RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). The RBPs play diverse roles in many aspects of gene expression including pre-mRNA processing and post-transcriptional and translational regulation. In the last decade, the application of modern techniques to identify RNA–protein interactions with individual proteins, RNAs, and the whole transcriptome has led to the discovery of a hidden landscape of these interactions in plants. Global approaches such as RNA interactome capture (RIC) to identify proteins that bind protein-coding transcripts have led to the identification of close to 2000 putative RBPs in plants. Interestingly, many of these were found to be metabolic enzymes with no known canonical RNA-binding domains. Here, we review the methods used to analyze RNA–protein interactions in plants thus far and highlight the understanding of plant RNA–protein interactions these techniques have provided us. We also review some recent protein-centric, RNA-centric, and global approaches developed with non-plant systems and discuss their potential application to plants. We also provide an overview of results from classical studies of RNA–protein interaction in plants and discuss the significance of the increasingly evident ubiquity of RNA–protein interactions for the study of gene regulation and RNA biology in plants.more » « less
Abstract At the heart of all biological processes lies the control of nuclear gene expression, which is primarily achieved through the action of transcription factors (TFs) that generally contain a nuclear localization signal (NLS) to facilitate their transport into the nucleus. However, some TFs reside in the cytoplasm in a transcriptionally inactive state and only enter the nucleus in response to specific signals, which in plants include biotic or abiotic stresses. These extra-nuclear TFs can be found in the cytosol or associated with various membrane systems, including the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane. They may be integral proteins with transmembrane domains or associate peripherally with the lipid bilayer via acylation or membrane-binding domains. Although over 30 plant TFs, most of them involved in stress responses, have been experimentally shown to reside outside the nucleus, computational predictions suggest that this number is much larger. Understanding how extra-nuclear TFs are trafficked into the nucleus is essential for reconstructing transcriptional regulatory networks that govern major cellular pathways in response to biotic and abiotic signals. Here, we provide a perspective on what is known on plant extranuclear-nuclear TF retention, nuclear trafficking, and the post-translational modifications that ultimately enable them to regulate gene expression upon entering the nucleus.
null (Ed.)RNA silencing pathways control eukaryotic gene expression transcriptionally or posttranscriptionally in a sequence-specific manner. In RNA silencing, the production of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) gives rise to various classes of 20–24 nucleotide (nt) small RNAs (smRNAs). In Arabidopsis thaliana, smRNAs are often derived from long dsRNA molecules synthesized by one of the six genomically encoded RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase (RDR) proteins. However, the full complement of the RDR-dependent smRNAs and functions that these proteins and their RNA-binding cofactors play in plant RNA silencing has not been fully uncovered. To address this gap, we performed a global genomic analysis of all six RDRs and two of their cofactors to find new substrates for RDRs and targets of the resulting RDR-derived siRNAs to uncover new functions for these proteins in plants. Based on these analyses, we identified substrates for the three RDRγ clade proteins (RDR3–5), which had not been well-characterized previously. We also identified new substrates for the other three RDRs (RDR1, RDR2, and RDR6) as well as the RDR2 cofactor RNA-directed DNA methylation 12 (RDM12) and the RDR6 cofactor suppressor of gene silencing 3 (SGS3). These findings revealed that the target substrates of SGS3 are not limited to those solely utilized by RDR6, but that this protein seems to be a more general cofactor for the RDR family of proteins. Additionally, we found that RDR6 and SGS3 are involved in the production of smRNAs that target transcripts related to abiotic stresses, including water deprivation, salt stress, and ABA response, and as expected the levels of these mRNAs are increased in rdr6 and sgs3 mutant plants. Correspondingly, plants that lack these proteins (rdr6 and sgs3 mutants) are hypersensitive to ABA treatment, tolerant to high levels of PEG8000, and have a higher survival rate under salt treatment in comparison to wild-type plants. In total, our analyses have provided an extremely data-rich resource for uncovering new functions of RDR-dependent RNA silencing in plants, while also revealing a previously unexplored link between the RDR6/SGS3-dependent pathway and plant abiotic stress responses.more » « less
Abstract After transcription, a messenger RNA (mRNA) is further post‐transcriptionally regulated by several features including RNA secondary structure and covalent RNA modifications (specifically N6‐methyladenosine, m6A). Both RNA secondary structure and m6A have been demonstrated to regulate mRNA stability and translation and have been independently linked to plant responses to soil salinity levels. However, the effect of m6A on regulating RNA secondary structure and the combinatorial interplay between these two RNA features during salt stress response has yet to be studied. Here, we globally identify RNA‐protein interactions and RNA secondary structure during systemic salt stress. This analysis reveals that RNA secondary structure changes significantly during salt stress, and that it is independent of global changes in RNA‐protein interactions. Conversely, we find that m6A is anti‐correlated with RNA secondary structure in a condition‐dependent manner, with salt‐specific m6A correlated with a decrease in mRNA secondary structure during salt stress. Taken together, we suggest that salt‐specific m6A deposition and the associated loss of RNA secondary structure results in increases in mRNA stability for transcripts encoding abiotic stress response proteins and ultimately increases in protein levels from these stabilized transcripts. In total, our comprehensive analyses reveal important post‐transcriptional regulatory mechanisms involved in plant long‐term salt stress response and adaptation.
Sopory, SK (Ed.)As sessile organisms, plants are constantly exposed to a variety of environmental stresses that have detrimental effects on their growth and development, leading to major crop yield losses worldwide. To cope with adverse conditions plants have developed several adaptive mechanisms. A thorough understanding these mechanisms is critical to generate plants for the future. The heterotrimeric G-protein complex, composed of Gα, Gβ, and Gγ subunits, participates in regulation of multiple cellular signaling pathways and have multifaceted roles in regulating stress responses of plants. The complex has two functional entities, the GTP-bound Gα subunit and the Gβγ dimer, both of which by interacting with additional proteins can activate various signaling networks. The involvement of G-proteins has been shown in plants’ response to drought, salinity, extreme temperatures, heavy metal, ozone, and UV-B radiation. Due to their versatility and the number of processes modulated by them, G-proteins have emerged as key targets for generating stress tolerant crops. In this review, we provide an overview of the current knowledge of the roles of G proteins in abiotic stress tolerance, with examples from model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, where these processes are most widely studied and from additional agriculturally relevant crops, where their potential is realized for human usage.more » « less