We present a new investigation of the intergalactic medium near reionization using dark gaps in the Ly
- 10342942
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 923
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 223
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract β forest. With its lower optical depth, Lyβ offers a potentially more sensitive probe to any remaining neutral gas compared to the commonly used Lyα line. We identify dark gaps in the Lyβ forest using spectra of 42 QSOs atz em> 5.5, including new data from the XQR-30 VLT Large Programme. Approximately 40% of these QSO spectra exhibit dark gaps longer than 10h −1Mpc atz ≃ 5.8. By comparing the results to predictions from simulations, we find that the data are broadly consistent both with models where fluctuations in the Lyα forest are caused solely by ionizing ultraviolet background fluctuations and with models that include large neutral hydrogen patches atz < 6 due to a late end to reionization. Of particular interest is a very long (L = 28h −1Mpc) and dark (τ eff≳ 6) gap persisting down toz ≃ 5.5 in the Lyβ forest of thez = 5.85 QSO PSO J025−11. This gap may support late reionization models with a volume-weighted average neutral hydrogen fraction of 〈x H I〉 ≳ 5% byz = 5.6. Finally, we infer constraints on 〈x H I〉 over 5.5 ≲z ≲ 6.0 based on the observed Lyβ dark gap length distribution and a conservative relationship between gap length and neutral fraction derived from simulations. We find 〈x H I〉 ≤ 0.05, 0.17, and 0.29 atz ≃ 5.55, 5.75, and 5.95, respectively. These constraints are consistent with models where reionization ends significantly later thanz = 6. -
ABSTRACT Recent quasar absorption line observations suggest that reionization may end as late as $z \approx 5.3$. As a means to search for large neutral hydrogen islands at $z\ \lt\ 6$, we revisit long dark gaps in the Ly $\beta$ forest in Very Large Telescope/X-Shooter and Keck/Echellette Spectrograph and Imager quasar spectra. We stack the Ly $\alpha$ forest corresponding to both edges of these Ly $\beta$ dark gaps and identify a damping wing-like extended absorption profile. The average redshift of the stacked forest is $z=5.8$. By comparing these observations with reionization simulations, we infer that such a damping wing-like feature can be naturally explained if these gaps are at least partially created by neutral islands. Conversely, simulated dark gaps lacking neutral hydrogen struggle to replicate the observed damping wing features. Furthermore, this damping wing-like profile implies that the volume-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction must be $\langle x_{\rm H\,{\small {I}}} \rangle \ge 6.1 \pm 3.9~{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ at $z = 5.8$. Our results offer robust evidence that reionization extends below $z=6$.
ABSTRACT The presence of excess scatter in the Ly-α forest at z ∼ 5.5, together with the existence of sporadic extended opaque Gunn-Peterson troughs, has started to provide robust evidence for a late end of hydrogen reionization. However, low data quality and systematic uncertainties complicate the use of Ly-α transmission as a precision probe of reionization’s end stages. In this paper, we assemble a sample of 67 quasar sightlines at z > 5.5 with high signal-to-noise ratios of >10 per ≤15 km s−1 spectral pixel, relying largely on the new XQR-30 quasar sample. XQR-30 is a large program on VLT/X-Shooter which obtained deep (SNR > 20 per pixel) spectra of 30 quasars at z > 5.7. We carefully account for systematics in continuum reconstruction, instrumentation, and contamination by damped Ly-α systems. We present improved measurements of the mean Ly-α transmission over 4.9 < z < 6.1. Using all known systematics in a forward modelling analysis, we find excellent agreement between the observed Ly-α transmission distributions and the homogeneous-UVB simulations Sherwood and Nyx up to z ≤ 5.2 (<1σ), and mild tension (∼2.5σ) at z = 5.3. Homogeneous UVB models are ruled out by excess Ly-α transmission scatter at z ≥ 5.4 with high confidence (>3.5σ). Our results indicate that reionization-related fluctuations, whether in the UVB, residual neutral hydrogen fraction, and/or IGM temperature, persist in the intergalactic medium until at least z = 5.3 (t = 1.1 Gyr after the big bang). This is further evidence for a late end to reionization.more » « less
ABSTRACT Reionization-era galaxies tend to exhibit weak Ly α emission, likely reflecting attenuation from an increasingly neutral IGM. Recent observations have begun to reveal exceptions to this picture, with strong Ly α emission now known in four of the most massive z = 7–9 galaxies in the CANDELS fields, all of which also exhibit intense [O iii]+H β emission (EW > 800 Å). To better understand why Ly α is anomalously strong in a subset of massive z ≃ 7–9 galaxies, we have initiated an MMT/Binospec survey targeting a larger sample (N = 22) of similarly luminous (≃1–6 L$^{\ast }_{\mathrm{UV}}$) z ≃ 7 galaxies selected over very wide-area fields (∼3 deg2). We confidently (>7σ) detect Ly α in 78 per cent (7/9) of galaxies with strong [O iii]+H β emission (EW > 800 Å) as opposed to only 8 per cent (1/12) of galaxies with more moderate (EW = 200–800 Å) [O iii]+H β. We argue that the higher Ly α EWs of the strong [O iii]+H β population likely reflect enhanced ionizing photon production efficiency owing to their large sSFRs (≳30 Gyr−1). We also find evidence that Ly α transmission from massive galaxies declines less rapidly over 6 < z < 7 than in low-mass lensed systems. In particular, our data suggest no strong evolution in Ly α transmission, consistent with a picture wherein massive z ≃ 7 galaxies often reside in large ionized regions. We detect three closely separated (R = 1.7 physical Mpc) z ≃ 7 Ly α emitters in our sample, conceivably tracing a large ionized structure that is consistent with this picture. We detect tentative evidence for an overdensity in this region, implying a large ionizing photon budget in the surrounding volume.more » « less
Abstract The Ly-α forest is the large-scale structure probe for which we appear to have modeling control to the highest wavenumbers. This makes the Ly-α forest of great interest for constraining the warmness/fuzziness of dark matter and the timing of reionization processes. However, the standard statistic, the Ly-α forest power spectrum, is unable to strongly constrain the IGM temperature-density relation, and this inability further limits how well other high wavenumber-sensitive parameters can be constrained. With the aim of breaking these degeneracies, we measure the power spectrum of the Ly-β forest and its cross correlation with the coeval Ly-α forest using the one hundred spectra of z = 3.5 − 4.5 quasars in the VLT/X-Shooter XQ-100 Legacy Survey, motivated by the Ly-β transition’s smaller absorption cross section that makes it sensitive to somewhat higher densities relative to the Ly-α transition. Our inferences from this measurement for the IGM temperature-density relation appear to latch consistently onto the recent tight lower-redshift Ly-α forest constraints. The z = 3.4 − 4.7 trends we find using the Ly-α–Ly-β cross correlation show a flattening of the slope of the temperature-density relation with decreasing redshift. This is the trend anticipated from ongoing He ii reionization and there being sufficient time to reach the asymptotic temperature-density slope after hydrogen reionization completes. Furthermore, our measurements provide a consistency check on IGM models that explain the Ly-α forest, with the cross correlation being immune to systematics that are uncorrelated between the two forests, such as metal line contamination.more » « less