- Award ID(s):
- 1905801
- 10346512
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Science Advances
- Volume:
- 7
- Issue:
- 46
- 2375-2548
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The significant role of perovskite defect chemistry through A-site doping of strontium titanate with lanthanum for CO 2 electrolysis properties is demonstrated. Here we present a dual strategy of A-site deficiency and promoting adsorption/activation by making use of redox active dopants such as Mn/Cr linked to oxygen vacancies to facilitate CO 2 reduction at perovskite titanate cathode surfaces. Solid oxide electrolysers based on oxygen-excess La 0.2 Sr 0.8 Ti 0.9 Mn(Cr) 0.1 O 3+δ , A-site deficient (La 0.2 Sr 0.8 ) 0.9 Ti 0.9 Mn(Cr) 0.1 O 3−δ and undoped La 0.2 Sr 0.8 Ti 1.0 O 3+δ cathodes are evaluated. In situ infrared spectroscopy reveals that the adsorbed and activated CO 2 adopts an intermediate chemical state between a carbon dioxide molecule and a carbonate ion. The double strategy leads to optimal performance being observed after 100 h of high-temperature operation and 3 redox cycles, suggesting a promising cathode material for CO 2 electrolysis.more » « less
Abstract Excitonic insulators are usually considered to form via the condensation of a soft charge mode of bound electron-hole pairs. This, however, presumes that the soft exciton is of spin-singlet character. Early theoretical considerations have also predicted a very distinct scenario, in which the condensation of magnetic excitons results in an antiferromagnetic excitonic insulator state. Here we report resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements of Sr3Ir2O7. By isolating the longitudinal component of the spectra, we identify a magnetic mode that is well-defined at the magnetic and structural Brillouin zone centers, but which merges with the electronic continuum in between these high symmetry points and which decays upon heating concurrent with a decrease in the material’s resistivity. We show that a bilayer Hubbard model, in which electron-hole pairs are bound by exchange interactions, consistently explains all the electronic and magnetic properties of Sr3Ir2O7indicating that this material is a realization of the long-predicted antiferromagnetic excitonic insulator phase.
Abstract We investigated the doping and temperature evolutions of the optical response of Sr3(Ir1−
x Mnx )2O7single crystals with 0 ≤x ≤ 0.36 by utilizing infrared spectroscopy. Substitution of 3d transition metal Mn ions into Sr3Ir2O7is expected to induce an insulator-to-metal transition via the decrease in the magnitude of the spin–orbit coupling and the hole doping. In sharp contrast, our data reveal the resilience of the spin–orbit coupling and the incoherent character of the charge transport. Upon Mn substitution, an incoherent in-gap excitation at about 0.25 eV appeared with the decrease in the strength of the optical transitions between the effective total angular momentumJ effbands of the Ir ions. The resonance energies of the optical transitions between theJ effbands which are directly proportional to the magnitude of the spin–orbit coupling hardly varied. In addition to these evolutions of the low-energy response, Mn substitution led to the emergence of a distinct high-energy optical excitation at about 1.2 eV which is larger than the resonance energies of the optical transitions between theJ effbands. This observation indicates that the Mn 3d states are located away from the Ir 5d states in energy and that the large difference in the on-site energies of the transition metal ions is responsible for the incoherent charge transport and the robustness of the spin–orbit coupling. The effect of Mn substitution was also registered in the temperature dependence of the electronic response. The anomaly in the optical response of the parent compound observed at the antiferromagnetic transition temperature is notably suppressed in the Mn-doped compounds despite the persistence of the long-range antiferromagnetic ordering. The suppression of the spin-charge coupling could be related to charge disproportionation of the Ir ions.