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Title: Goals for the Undergraduate Instructional Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory When Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Are Implemented: A National Survey
Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are a promising approach for incorporating inquiry-based instruction into the under- graduate chemistry laboratory curriculum. This study used data from a national survey of inorganic chemistry faculty members (n = 142) to investigate CURE implementation in the inorganic chemistry instructional laboratory. Results indicate that faculty members who implement CUREs place greater emphasis on a distinct set of instructional goals when compared to faculty members who do not implement CUREs. CURE implementation was further associated with a range of instructional and departmental characteristics, including group-only student work, independent course development by faculty instructors, limited graduate TA support, and ACS certification of degree programs. Findings from this investigation point toward (1) a need for increased efforts focused on supporting CURE implementation, (2) productive avenues through which curriculum designers and communities of practice can provide this support, and (3) needed areas of research that will further inform these efforts.  more » « less
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Journal of Chemical Education
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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