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Title: FPGA-based assistive framework for smart home automation
This paper proposes a reconfigurable framework to automated reconfigurable secure home system. The proposed system has 3 main features: monitoring controlling of smart home automation through password-protected door lock system, the monitoring controlling of day-to-day electronic devices, fire safety with room temperature monitoring and antitheft system. In this paper, different sensor combinations are to be integrated with the FPGA board. For the Fire safety module, a temperature monitoring sensor has been used that will display the temperature continuously. If the temperature in the room exceeds 60 degree Celsius, then it will turn on the buzzer or alarm for fire safety. For the Anti-theft system, infrared (IR) sensors are fitted in each window. If any unauthorized person tries to breach through the window, both IR sensor signals will be turned ON and the output of the buzzer goes to high. For the door lock system, a finite state machine (FSM) has been implemented. This work focuses on a scalable smart home automation framework using the FPGA board that can be used for integration of multiple sensors in a cost-effective way. The research in this project is focused on processing multiple analog sensor inputs through the FPGA board.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
IEEE 15th Dallas Circuit And System Conference (DCAS)
Page Range / eLocation ID:
1 to 2
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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