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Title: The Design and SAR Analysis of a UWB Bow-tie Antenna for Wireless Wearable Sensors
This paper presents design of a wearable flexible patch antenna and its corresponding SAR (specific absorption rate) analysis when placed on a human body. The substrate material used is polyimide with a thickness of 0.1 mm, and gold is used for the patch and ground material with 200 nm thickness. The di-electric constant and the tangent loss of the polyimide substrate are 3.5 and 0.0002, respectively. The dimensions of the proposed antenna are 30×30×0.1004 mm3. The designed antenna has the resonating frequency at 3.45 GHz and a bandwidth of 2.6 GHz. The far field gain of the designed antenna is 7.5 dBi. The SAR analysis generated an SAR value of 0.174 W/kg, which is within the safe limit of 2W/kg averaged over 10g of tissue as specified by the ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionization Radiation Protection). This suggests that the designed antenna is safe and can be utilized for wireless wearable sensors.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Kakaraparty, Karthik; Mahbub, Ifana
Date Published:
Journal Name:
THE USNC-URSI 2022 National Radio Science Meeting
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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