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Title: Software Defined Radio-Based Wireless Sensing System
In this paper, we investigate the application of using software-defined radio (SDR) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) device for wireless measurement of the response of in situ sensors. SDR uses software to realize different communication functions. After collecting the magnitude and phase of the response at discrete frequencies, we apply inverse Fourier transform to analyze the time domain responses which, in turn, allows for monitoring the changes of the response of the in situ sensor. We employ microwave signal flow graph concepts to improve the quality of the received signals. Comparing the normalized results obtained by SDR with those obtained from a commercial vector network analyzer (VNA), we demonstrate that the results are sufficiently close, and the SDR-based experiments can provide satisfactory measurement of the in-situ sensors. The objective is to eventually employ this wireless measurement system for soil nutrient sensing.  more » « less
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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ;
Boon-Chong Seet
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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