Interpreting unrest at silicic volcanoes requires knowledge of the magma storage conditions and dynamics that precede eruptions. The Laguna del Maule volcanic field, Chile, has erupted ~40 km3of rhyolite over the last 20 ka. Astonishing rates of sustained surface inflation at >25 cm/year for >12 years reveal a large, restless system. Integration of geochronologic, petrologic, geomorphic, and geophysical observations provides an unusually rich context to interpret ongoing and prehistoric processes. We present new volatile (H2O, CO2, S, F, and Cl), trace element, and major element concentrations from 109 melt inclusions hosted in quartz, plagioclase, and olivine from seven eruptions. Silicic melts contain up to 8.0 wt. % H2O and 570 ppm CO2. In rhyolites melt inclusions track decompression‐driven fractional crystallization as magma ascended from ~14 to 4 km. This mirrors teleseismic tomography and magnetotelluric findings that reveal a domain containing partial melt spanning from 14 to 4 km. Ce and Cl contents of rhyolites support the generation of compositionally distinct domains of eruptible rhyolite within the larger reservoir. Heat, volatiles, and melt derived from episodic mafic recharge likely incubate and grow the shallow reservoir. Olivine‐hosted melt inclusions in mafic tephra contain up to 2.5 wt. % H2O and 1,140 ppm CO2and proxy for the volatile load delivered via recharge into the base of the silicic mush at ~14 to 8 km. We propose that mafic recharge flushes deeper reaches of the magma reservoir with CO2that propels H2O exsolution, upward accumulation of fluid, pressurization, and triggering of rhyolitic eruptions.
Mount Cleveland is one of Alaska's most active volcanoes, yet little is known about the magmatic system driving persistent and dynamic volcanic activity. Volcanic gas and melt inclusion (MI) data from 2016 were combined to investigate shallow magmatic processes. SO2emission rates were between 166 and 324 t/day and the H2O/SO2was 600 ± 53, whereas CO2and H2S were below detection. Olivine‐, clinopyroxene‐, and plagioclase‐hosted MIs have up to 3.8 wt.% H2O, 514 ppm CO2, and 2,320 ppm S. Equilibration depths, based on MI H2O contents, suggest that a magmatic column extended from 0.5 to 3.0 km (~10–60 MPa). We used MI data to empirically model open‐system H‐C‐S degassing from 0 to 12 km and found that a column of magma between 0.5 and 3 km could produce the measured gas H2O/SO2ratio. However, additional magma deeper than 3 km is required to sustain emissions over periods greater than days to weeks, if the observed vent dimension is a valid proxy for the conduit. Assuming an initial S content of 2,320 ppm, the total magma supply needed to sustain the annual SO2flux was 5 to 9.8 Mm3/yr, suggesting a maximum intrusive‐to‐extrusive ratio of 13:1. The model predicts degassing of <50 t/day CO2for July 2016, which corresponds to a maximum predicted CO2/SO2of 0.2. Ultimately, frequent recharge from deeper, less degassed magma is required to drive the continuous activity observed over multiple years. During periods of recharge we would expect lower H2O/SO2and measurable volcanic CO2.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10359788
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
- Volume:
- 21
- Issue:
- 7
- 1525-2027
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract The degassing of CO2and S from arc volcanoes is fundamentally important to global climate, eruption forecasting, ore deposits, and the cycling of volatiles through subduction zones. However, all existing thermodynamic/empirical models have difficulties reproducing CO2‐H2O‐S trends observed in melt inclusions and provide widely conflicting results regarding the relationships between pressure and CO2/SO2in the vapor. In this study, we develop an open‐source degassing model, Sulfur_X, to track the evolution of S, CO2, H2O, and redox states in melt and vapor in ascending mafic‐intermediate magma. Sulfur_X describes sulfur degassing by parameterizing experimentally derived sulfur partition coefficients for two equilibria: RxnI. FeS (
m ) + H2O (v )H2S ( v ) + FeO (m), and RxnII. CaSO4(m)SO2( v ) + O2(v ) + CaO (m), based on the sulfur speciation in the melt (m ) and co‐existing vapor (v ). Sulfur_X is also the first to track the evolution off O2and sulfur and iron redox states accurately in the system using electron balance and equilibrium calculations. Our results show that a typical H2O‐rich (4.5 wt.%) arc magma with high initial S6+/ΣS ratio (>0.5) will degas much more (∼2/3) of its initial sulfur at high pressures (>200 MPa) than H2O‐poor ocean island basalts with low initial S6+/ΣS ratio (<0.1), which will degas very little sulfur until shallow pressures (<50 MPa). The pressure‐S relationship in the melt predicted by Sulfur_X provides new insights into interpreting the CO2/STratio measured in high‐T volcanic gases in the run‐up to the eruption. -
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Abstract Continental flood basalts intruded and erupted millions of km3of magma over ∼1–5 Ma. Previous work proposed the presence of large (
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