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Title: The Complete Local-Volume Groups Sample – IV. Star formation and gas content in group-dominant galaxies

Using multiband data, we examine the star formation activity of the nearby group-dominant early-type galaxies of the Complete Local-volume Groups Sample (CLoGS) and the relation between star formation, gas content, and local environment. Only a small fraction of the galaxies (13 per cent; 6/47) are found to be far-ultraviolet (FUV) bright, with FUV to near-infrared colours indicative of recent active star formation (NGC 252, NGC 924, NGC 940, NGC 1106, NGC 7252, and ESO 507-25). These systems are lenticulars presenting the highest FUV-specific star formation rates in the sample (sSFRFUV > 5 × 1013 yr−1), significant cold gas reservoirs [M(H2) = 0.5-61 × 108 M⊙], reside in X-ray faint groups, and none hosts a powerful radio active galactic nucleus (AGN) (P$_{1.4\mathrm{ GHz}}\, \lt 10^{23}$ W Hz−1). The majority of the group-dominant galaxies (87 per cent; 41/47) are FUV faint, with no significant star formation, classified in most cases as spheroids based on their position on the infrared star-forming main sequence (87 per cent; 46/53). Examining the relationships between radio power, SFRFUV, and stellar mass, we find a lack of correlation that suggests a combination of origins for the cool gas in these galaxies, including stellar mass loss, cooling from the intra-group medium (IGrM) or galaxy halo, and acquisition through mergers or tidal interactions. X-ray bright systems, in addition to hosting radio powerful AGN, have a range of SFRs but, with the exception of NGC 315, do not rise to the highest rates seen in the FUV bright systems. We suggest that central group galaxy evolution is linked to gas mass availability, with star formation favoured in the absence of a group-scale X-ray halo, but AGN jet launching is more likely in systems with a cooling IGrM.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Page Range / eLocation ID:
p. 4191-4207
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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