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Title: The function of teacher dashboards depends on the amount of time pressure in the classroom situation: Results from teacher interviews and an experimental study
Teacher dashboards are visual displays that provide information to teachers about their learners. In this article, we address teacher dashboards in the context of computer-supported student collaboration in primary education. We examine the role of different types of dashboards for the specific purpose of aiding teachers in identifying which group of collaborating students is in need of support. This question is addressed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. First, an interview study is reported in which teachers’ views (n = 10) on and perceptions of the acceptability of different types of dashboards were examined. Then, the results of an experimental vignette study are reported, which built upon on the interview study, and in which teachers (n = 35) interacted with mirroring or advising dashboards. Together, the studies revealed that the classroom situation, such as differing levels of time pressure, plays an important role regarding what type of dashboard is beneficial for a teacher to use in the classroom. The theoretical contribution of our study lies in a conceptual and empirical investigation of the relation between teachers’ need for control and their perception of different types of dashboards. Our study also points to several practical implications and directions for future research.  more » « less
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